on 4/7/18 1:02 pm
VSG on 05/22/18

I've got my surgery date!!!!

So very excited. Due to other health issues and needing to have my stomach scoped in the future I've chosen the Sleeve instead of the RNY. May 22nd and with the surgeon I wanted...Dr Jules Foute-Nelong. Such a caring, respectful and kind man!

Losers bench and more importantly BETTER HEALTH here I come!!!

Now to wait patiently and try to calm my nerves for surgery.

Next date is post-op Dietian class.

Kimmy in Canada

2017: Aug 16: Referral -- Sep 14: Orientation - Oct 5: Nurse - Oct 23: D/SW/N 2018: Feb 21: D/SW/N - Mar 12: Internist - Mar 23: D/SW - Apr 5: App't with Surgeon - Apr 23: Post-Op Class - May 3: Pre-op Admin in Hospital - May 22: SURGERY

on 4/7/18 1:18 pm

Congrats on getting your date! It's already been life changing for me:)

Orientation Oct 24, 2017 at Humber; Meet surgeon Dec 12/17. Internist Jan 24/18; SW/Nut/nurse appt Feb 15/18;surgery March 19/18

Opti -12; M1 -25; M2 -18; M3- 18 M4-9 M5-11 M6-7

on 4/9/18 9:53 am

Congrats! So exciting. I remember when I got my date. It will go fast now :)

Referral: March 2017, Orientation: June 2017, Nurse, Social Worker, Nutritionist, Pharmacist: Dec 2017, Physiotherapist and f/u with Nurse: Feb 2018, Meet Dr. Lindsay: Feb 2018, Pre-Op Feb 26, 2018, Start Optifast (4 weeks): Feb 27, 2018, SURGERY: MARCH 27/18 at St. Joseph's in Toronto with Dr. Lindsay. Height 5'2," 49 Years old, Hw: 365, Pre-Op Weight (start of Opti 355), SW 334 CW 175. Weight Loss: Pre-op -19, M1 -23, M2 -18, M3-18, M4-14, M5-14 M6-10, M7-14 M8-8, M9-14 M10-5, M11-10 M12-0, M13 -3, M14 -6, M15 -7

on 4/13/18 11:14 am
VSG on 05/22/18

Thank You ltmip! Can hardly wait for it to get here!!!

Kimmy in Canada

2017: Aug 16: Referral -- Sep 14: Orientation - Oct 5: Nurse - Oct 23: D/SW/N 2018: Feb 21: D/SW/N - Mar 12: Internist - Mar 23: D/SW - Apr 5: App't with Surgeon - Apr 23: Post-Op Class - May 3: Pre-op Admin in Hospital - May 22: SURGERY

on 4/10/18 12:59 pm
VSG on 03/06/18

Dr Jules Foute-Nelong is an amazing surgeon. you'll be very happy with him. Good luck.

on 4/13/18 11:13 am
VSG on 05/22/18

THANK YOU so much corriev! I'm excited one minute and really nervous the next. Just wi**** was over with so I wouldn't have to have these up and down emotions.

Kimmy in Canada

2017: Aug 16: Referral -- Sep 14: Orientation - Oct 5: Nurse - Oct 23: D/SW/N 2018: Feb 21: D/SW/N - Mar 12: Internist - Mar 23: D/SW - Apr 5: App't with Surgeon - Apr 23: Post-Op Class - May 3: Pre-op Admin in Hospital - May 22: SURGERY

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