Time to show and tell

on 3/9/18 5:44 am

I am currently doing opti and could use some inspiration! I'd love to hear your brags about weight loss and before and after pics! Help all of us newbies with sharing you success:)

Orientation Oct 24, 2017 at Humber; Meet surgeon Dec 12/17. Internist Jan 24/18; SW/Nut/nurse appt Feb 15/18;surgery March 19/18

Opti -12; M1 -25; M2 -18; M3- 18 M4-9 M5-11 M6-7

on 3/9/18 7:19 am

Been on opti 9 days and lost 7.5 pounds so far. No cravings, slight fatigue.

on 3/9/18 8:21 am
WLS on 02/24/18

I had surgery on February 24 2018. So only 2 weeks ago. Pre-opti I was 263, Surgery day I was 255, and today I weighed in at 239. Hang in there!


on 3/9/18 9:38 am

I'm on day 16 of 21 with my opti. My highest weight 261, I am currently sitting at 248. Surgery on the 17th of March. I had my first NSV today when I put my size 20W pants on and I now need a belt to stop from having droopy drawers

Orientation- May 2017, Pre nutrition class- Aug 2017, Blood work- Aug 2017. RPN meeting- Sept 2017. Dietician and Psychiatrist Dec 2017. Internist- Dec 2017. Meet the Surgeon Feb 20th 2018. VSG surgery march 17, 2018 with Dr. Gmora

on 3/9/18 9:42 am

I just had surgery a week ago so no brag photos yet but my tight clothing is no longer tight! Feels great to put on a shirt and not have to give it a bit of a stretch first. Can't believe I'm down 18lbs in 3 weeks, totally exceeded my expectations and I'm feeling pretty good. Good luck!

Orientation July, Surgeon consult Sept, Internist Nov, RD/RSW/RN Dec.

RNY March 2, 2018 HRRH Pam (49 / 5'5 ½)

HW: 237, PreOpti: 226, Opti: -10, M1: -20, M2: -12, M3: -13, M4 -10, M5 -9, M6 -7, M7 -2, M8 -3, M9 -1 CW 138

on 3/9/18 12:15 pm - Lindsay, Canada
RNY on 02/26/18

I lost 24 pounds on 3 weeks of Opti and 11 days out from surgery I'm down another 15, I managed to hold off weighing my self for the first week, which everyone said to do. Unfortunately, the weight loss is visible in my face too me but not so much my body, but my husband tells me I'm thinner, as I'm still feeling kind of bloated I've only lost a couple of inches from my waist and hips so far. I'm back to work on Monday so will try on pants on Sunday to see which will be most comfortable to wear.

But it's getting better everyday, went out and bought some fish and cream cheese today, looking forward to having more than soup in my diet.

57 - 6'0" - HW:288 SW:260 CW:185

TWH: Referral Aug. '16, Orientation - Nov. 30 '16, Surgeon Oct. 6 '17, Start Optifast Feb. 5'18 - Surgery Feb. 26'18

Opti -25; M1 -23; M2 -17; M3 -7; M4 -5; M5 -5; M6 -6; M7 -0; M8 -2; M9 -0; M10 -2; M11-0; M12-4;

on 3/9/18 6:22 pm - Canada
RNY on 06/02/17

I've posted this before, but since you asked
This is my most recent before/after.
I am currently 9 months post op and have been under my surgeons goal for several months now.
I can't recommend this procedure enough - I am absolutely a whole new person.

Surgery Jun.2/17 at TWH ----- HW 215 - SW 197.2 - GW 125 CW 124.6

Pre-Op=8.8lbs --- Optifast= 8.4 (was on it for 9 days due to cancellation)

M1 - 20.6... M2 -10.2... M3 -8.0... M4 -5.8... M5 -9.0... M6 -5.2... M7 -7.0... M8 -2.2... M9 -0.9... M10 -2.6... M11-0.6... M12-2.0


on 3/9/18 8:10 pm
RNY on 09/01/17

I am just over 6 months post op. Including 2 week's of Opti (which was 10 lbs lost), I am down 94 lbs.

I feel like a completely different person. I am healthy, I move differently (with ease), I walk and walk and have no pain.

I went from a 24/26 to now a size 14/16.

Hang in there... it won't be long for you too! This is the ride of a lifetime. :)

Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. Choose happy.

Opti -10 / M1 -25.5 / M2 -10 / M3 -14.5 / M4 -13 / M5 -10 / M6 -5.5 / M7 -9.5 / M8 -13.5 / M9 -0.5 / M10 -2.5 / M11 -2.5 / M12 +2 / M13 -5.5

Century Club and Onederland in month 7!!

on 3/10/18 1:00 am

Im 15 months out but got pregnant 3 months out. Dropped 120 lbs total. Pic below is 3 days before surgery vs 6 months later (to the day) and i was 10 weeks pregnant in the pic. My biggest advice is dont focus on the number kn the scale rather focus on how you feel, how your life is changing and how clothes fit better!!! Youll do great

TWH: Referral May 2015 --> Orientation November 2015 --> Surgeon at TWH Nov 2016 --> Transferred to Guelph --> Surgeon Appt Dec 1 2016 --> Opti Start Dec 8 2016 --> Surgery Dec 22 2016 HW: 331 SW:302 GW: 170

on 3/10/18 8:32 am
RNY on 09/12/17

I am almost 6 months since surgery. Best decision of my entire life!! Feeling fantastic. The first pic is just before surgery. Second pic was taken last night.


Referred May 2016, Orientation July 4, 2016, Pre-Nutrition Class March 31, 2017, Nurse April 10, 2017, Blood work/ECG April 13, 2017, Ultra-sound April 27, 2017, Psychologist May 30, 2017, Colonoscopy and Gastroscopy June 5, 2017, Internist June 13, 2017, Dietician June 14, 2017, 2nd Round of blood work August 2, 2017, Surgeon September 6, 2017, Surgery September 12, 2017 - St. Joe's Hamilton - No Opti

Height 5"4" HW 231 SW222 CW141

PreOp-9 lbs M1-20lbs M2-11lbs M3-13lbs M4-7lbs M5-8lbs M6-7lbs M7-5lbs M8-5lbs M9-2lbs M10-0lbs M11 - 0lbs M12 - 0lbs

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