4 Days Until Surgery!

LukeB Girl17
on 1/6/18 6:07 pm

4 days until surgery! Wow ~ the time is getting nearer! I am liking the Optifast and I am drinking lots of water. Anybody at this stage who has had surgery go through any mixed emotions? I am nervous, excited, determined and maybe it's not too late to back out thoughts!

Referral by my MD Feb 28/17 * Labs done March 17/17 * Meet with Nurse Aug 24/17 * TOH PreOp Class 1 Sept 12 /17 * Oct 17 Behaviorist and Nutritionist * Breath Test Nov 10/17 * Nutritionist Nov 21/17 * PreSurgery Class 2 Dec 12/17 ~ Bloodwork * Meet the Surgeon Dec 18/17 * PreOp Jan 5 TOH * Surgery Date January 10, 2017

(deactivated member)
on 1/6/18 6:17 pm

Yay! You are so close.

I had all kinds of emotions and even when I was still in the hospital I was a emotional mess. LOL It is normal. One minute I was like.. "I got this! I am going to kick are!" the next minute I was, "Is it going to hurt? What will it be like after? AAAhhh Abort abort!"

You will be great and get ready for the losers bench.

LukeB Girl17
on 1/7/18 5:29 am

Thanks! It's so weird like we knew this day would come from the day we were referred to! 3 more days, I'm excited right now! See you on the losers bench!

Referral by my MD Feb 28/17 * Labs done March 17/17 * Meet with Nurse Aug 24/17 * TOH PreOp Class 1 Sept 12 /17 * Oct 17 Behaviorist and Nutritionist * Breath Test Nov 10/17 * Nutritionist Nov 21/17 * PreSurgery Class 2 Dec 12/17 ~ Bloodwork * Meet the Surgeon Dec 18/17 * PreOp Jan 5 TOH * Surgery Date January 10, 2017

on 1/6/18 6:26 pm
RNY on 01/16/18

I feel exactly the same. One minute I can't wait for it to happen and then I worry what it will be like after. I'm ready. I won't abort. LOL

Referral - May 31/17; Orientation - June 15/17; First Appt Nurse - June 26/17; Bloodwork and ECG - June 27/17; Sleep Study - July 5/17; Dietician Appt - July 10/17; Counsellor Appt - July 10/17; Abdominal Ultrasound - July 10/17: Endoscopy/Colonoscopy - July 25/17; Second Dietician Appt - September 14/17; Internist Appt - October 2/17; Meet the Surgeon - November 21/17; Pre Surgery Nutrition Class - January 12/18; Surgery - January 16/18

LukeB Girl17
on 1/7/18 5:32 am

Yuppp! Getting excited now and hope everything goes well. No turning back! :) best of luck in your journey and see you on the losers bench too!

Referral by my MD Feb 28/17 * Labs done March 17/17 * Meet with Nurse Aug 24/17 * TOH PreOp Class 1 Sept 12 /17 * Oct 17 Behaviorist and Nutritionist * Breath Test Nov 10/17 * Nutritionist Nov 21/17 * PreSurgery Class 2 Dec 12/17 ~ Bloodwork * Meet the Surgeon Dec 18/17 * PreOp Jan 5 TOH * Surgery Date January 10, 2017

on 1/6/18 6:44 pm - Canada
RNY on 06/02/17

mixed emotions are VERY normal. I think we all get/had them. I sure did.

Stay true to course and you will be so happy you did - it literally CHANGED my life. EVERY aspect is better.

Surgery Jun.2/17 at TWH ----- HW 215 - SW 197.2 - GW 125 CW 124.6

Pre-Op=8.8lbs --- Optifast= 8.4 (was on it for 9 days due to cancellation)

M1 - 20.6... M2 -10.2... M3 -8.0... M4 -5.8... M5 -9.0... M6 -5.2... M7 -7.0... M8 -2.2... M9 -0.9... M10 -2.6... M11-0.6... M12-2.0


LukeB Girl17
on 1/7/18 5:35 am

Thanks! I am excited! Looking forward to the new me and the change in my life. Looking ahead and thank goodness for this forum it has helped me a lot and the responses. :) best of luck in your journey!

Referral by my MD Feb 28/17 * Labs done March 17/17 * Meet with Nurse Aug 24/17 * TOH PreOp Class 1 Sept 12 /17 * Oct 17 Behaviorist and Nutritionist * Breath Test Nov 10/17 * Nutritionist Nov 21/17 * PreSurgery Class 2 Dec 12/17 ~ Bloodwork * Meet the Surgeon Dec 18/17 * PreOp Jan 5 TOH * Surgery Date January 10, 2017

on 1/7/18 7:51 am

Congrats; so glad you're liking Opti. I did, too.

I had mixed feelings all the way through and had to promise myself i could back out right up until they wheeled me into surgery, lol. Throughout my pre op I was both terrified to have surgery and terrified they might deny me surgery. I was excited too. It really is a weird time, lol, but hang in and you'll get through.

Pre-Op Visit: Jan. 10, 2017, weight 304, surgeon: Dr. David Lindsay, St. Joe's, Toronto

1st Day of (3 weeks worth of) Optifast: Jan. 11, 2017

Surgery Date: Feb. 1st, 2017


LukeB Girl17
on 1/8/18 6:03 pm

Thanks so much Kathy! :)

Referral by my MD Feb 28/17 * Labs done March 17/17 * Meet with Nurse Aug 24/17 * TOH PreOp Class 1 Sept 12 /17 * Oct 17 Behaviorist and Nutritionist * Breath Test Nov 10/17 * Nutritionist Nov 21/17 * PreSurgery Class 2 Dec 12/17 ~ Bloodwork * Meet the Surgeon Dec 18/17 * PreOp Jan 5 TOH * Surgery Date January 10, 2017

on 1/7/18 5:25 pm

I'm two days behind you and I hear ya! I'm als staying away from anyone who might be sick! But the anxiety... comes and goes, mostly comes right now but I go through periods of calm where I know I'm doing the right thing. I'm rooting for you!

Referred January 7/17, Orientation Humber May 28/17, Meet Dr. August 4/17, TRIO November 3/17, Internist November 21/17, Surgeon again December 21/17, Pre-op assessment January 4/18 and Surgery January 12/18.

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