Help / Advice / Support
Hello Everyone!
First time on here and I'm wondering if I can get some input. I'm in the first stages of this whole process. I'm going to the Guelph Clinic to investigate whether I will have the surgery. With my health I NEED to do something. Nothing in the past has worked. I've had my orientation and my first nurse appointment. I have my dietian and psychologist later in October. I'm trying not to make a decision until I get alot more information. The surgery scares me as well as the total change of eating habits later on. It also scares me if there could be complications from surgery or later on. What I'd like to know is how some of you honestly feel. Scared, nervous, didn't go through with it....did go through with it. Any things I should look out for. I've got 84lbs to loose. The nurse made a comment to me that I could do this on my own. I felt a bit deflated as I've tried and nothings worked. I'm 49 years old, have sleep apnea, pre-diabetic and something is up with my liver. I don't want to wait 2 years in hopes I can reduce my weight myself...but...again I'm nervous. Any comments would be GREATLY appreciated !!!

Kimmy in Canada
2017: Aug 16: Referral -- Sep 14: Orientation - Oct 5: Nurse - Oct 23: D/SW/N 2018: Feb 21: D/SW/N - Mar 12: Internist - Mar 23: D/SW - Apr 5: App't with Surgeon - Apr 23: Post-Op Class - May 3: Pre-op Admin in Hospital - May 22: SURGERY
I feel your pain. I really do.
I am pre-surgery. I have lost 40 lbs by doing what I have been told.
I have severe sleep apnea, fatty liver disease, GERD, Asthma, High Cholesterol and arthritis. Otherwise I'm in good shape. LOL
I am close to surgery. I'm just waiting on the call at this point to meet the Surgeon.
I have days when I think I can do it by myself and think OMG what am I thinking by having this surgery? And then I have days when I look to the sky and admit I need help. The help I need is surgery. I have lost umpteen pounds over 45 years. I've been dieting since I was a teenager.
If I haven't been able to do it by myself after all these years, logically I cannot do it on my own now.
I am scared. I won't lie. It actually terrifies me after reading about some of the complications that people have experienced.
My fear sent me to a friend who works in Guelph on the Surgical Ward and is a Triage Nurse. I asked her a lot of questions and she eased my mind. She was happy for me that I had chose this route.
I also had a great conversation with the Internist. I asked a ton of questions and got the answers I needed. Maybe not the answers I wanted, but I got answers.
At the end of the day you have a choice. We all have a choice. We can stay the way we are and suffer with diseases and conditions that may or may not kill us if we remain the same. Or, we can choose to change (which is really hard and really scary); get healthy, rid ourselves of some of these afflictions, and lead happy, healthy and rewarding lives.
Through my fear and trepidation, I am choosing to move forward and have surgery. I'm not happy that I am in this position. I hate that I have done this to myself. I want to run with my dogs. I want to swim lengths of a pool. I want to hike and enjoy my life. I can't do this without the surgery.
My suggestion to you is to make a list. Pros and Cons. It always works for me. Talk to your team. Request a therapist to talk through some of this stuff because you do have stuff to work through.
For me, it was a decision that came about after years of wanting to and finally summoning the courage to do something about it. I read the stories here of members' NSV's and want so hard to have them myself. I read about camping trips, bike riding, vacations, new clothes and living life to the fullest.
You deserve to live your life to the fullest.
I have never met a more caring and knowledgeable group of people than the members on this forum.
We are here and we will listen.

Referral - May 31/17; Orientation - June 15/17; First Appt Nurse - June 26/17; Bloodwork and ECG - June 27/17; Sleep Study - July 5/17; Dietician Appt - July 10/17; Counsellor Appt - July 10/17; Abdominal Ultrasound - July 10/17: Endoscopy/Colonoscopy - July 25/17; Second Dietician Appt - September 14/17; Internist Appt - October 2/17; Meet the Surgeon - November 21/17; Pre Surgery Nutrition Class - January 12/18; Surgery - January 16/18
Thank you sooooo much Sweetride1! I really appreciate your thoughts, comments and suggestions!

Kimmy in Canada
2017: Aug 16: Referral -- Sep 14: Orientation - Oct 5: Nurse - Oct 23: D/SW/N 2018: Feb 21: D/SW/N - Mar 12: Internist - Mar 23: D/SW - Apr 5: App't with Surgeon - Apr 23: Post-Op Class - May 3: Pre-op Admin in Hospital - May 22: SURGERY
It's the best thing I ever did. I was mostly healthy, didn't have many of the comorbidities as others and was borderline BMI 40. I did have high BP and fatty liver (most of us do pre-op).
I had no complications with my surgery and healed rather quickly. I haven't had any issues with food and other than I'm so much smaller now you wouldn't know I had surgery.
The total change of eating habits should scare you. It's HARD WORK, and its forever if your goal is to be successful long term. As for the nurse saying you could do it on your own....PFFT, if we could we would have done it many years ago.
It's major surgery. If you didn't have concerns or a few worries I would wonder. Carry on through the process. Do your research. Its your decision, and the surgeon's of course. If you determine it isn't for you, then that is okay too.
They will want you to start making changes pre-op. Listen to them. Put the effort in. It will only help you post-op. Don't let anyone tell you this is easy, because as you'll read on this site, every day can be a challenge.
Good luck with whatever you decide.
If you have tried before, that means that it hasn't worked and you cannot do it on your own. If you medically qualify then this is an amazing tool. I was scared. I could die in surgery or I could die early from obesity complications and live miserably. I choose surgery. It is not easy. It does not fix head hunger. I am 7.5 months post op and down just shy of 90 pounds. Again, not an easy journey but the best decision I have made. Only you will know if this is right for you. Good luck.

referral: early June 2016; surgery Feb 21, 2017
Welcome to the most wonderful group in O.H. (IMO). You aren't alone. I've been there too. I started 5 years ago and quit. WISH I DIDN'T QUIT! Now I'm back. I quit thinking I might die. It scared me enough to loose 70 pounds alone. Well all my hard work ( most of it) I've gained back. I need real help. Forever help. Life changing help!
Take your time. Do your reading. Write down and ask a 1000 questions.
There is a group of amazing peeps that meets in North Burlington once every 6 weeks or so (it's free). Meeting these people have changed my life and I welcome you to join us. It is a safe and welcoming group. I have now made life time friends too! They will share their stories and you can learn from the best to the worst case. I've heard them all.
I'll be having my surgery at Guelph Hospital.
If you are on FaceBook there are lots of groups. JUST a FYI, a lot of the ppl on FB are from USA. They do things differently then O'CANADA :)
All the best and I look forward to your life changing journey.

Referral May 2017, Orientation Aug 16th 2017
Nurse & Social Worker
August 29th Group Nutrition Class Sept 12th
Psych and Nutritionist
Sept 19th. Surgeon Oct 30th (Guelph)
Opti Nov 21st Surgery ( Dr. Jules) Nov 28th
I live in Carlisle and I'm with St. Joes in Hamilton. Is the Burlington group open to Hamiltonians? I would be interested in coming out to a meeting as it's closer to me than the Hamilton groups are

Orientation- May 2017, Pre nutrition class- Aug 2017, Blood work- Aug 2017. RPN meeting- Sept 2017. Dietician and Psychiatrist Dec 2017. Internist- Dec 2017. Meet the Surgeon Feb 20th 2018. VSG surgery march 17, 2018 with Dr. Gmora
The group is open to anyone I believe. I'll check with one of the other members with a confirmed date, time and I'll send you a PM.
Talk soon.

Referral May 2017, Orientation Aug 16th 2017
Nurse & Social Worker
August 29th Group Nutrition Class Sept 12th
Psych and Nutritionist
Sept 19th. Surgeon Oct 30th (Guelph)
Opti Nov 21st Surgery ( Dr. Jules) Nov 28th