Opti Day 1

on 9/20/17 5:42 am

Today is day 1 of 21. I had vanilla with cinnamon this morning, it wasn't great and I only got about 3/4 in.

For lunch I'll add ice and mix the two flavours. Everyone tells me to try adding coffee but I hate the taste so I'm trying to invent some other options.

In my purse I have Benefibre, Immodium, Advil Extra Strength and mouth wa****hink I'm prepared!

Referral - 05/16, Orientation @ HRH - 19/08/16, Surgeon - 06/04/17, NUT/SW/RN - 26/6/17 VSG - 11/10/17 Pre-Op - 27 lbs M1: 22 lbs M2: 14 lbs M3: 11 lbs M4: 13 lbs M5: 9 lbs M6: 9 lbs M7: 7 lbs

on 9/20/17 6:12 am
RNY on 09/01/17

You can do this! Surgery is around the corner, and this is the short term path to getting there

.Ice cold makes a huge difference. I had one that wasn't super cold and I could barely choke it down.

Good luck!!

Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. Choose happy.

Opti -10 / M1 -25.5 / M2 -10 / M3 -14.5 / M4 -13 / M5 -10 / M6 -5.5 / M7 -9.5 / M8 -13.5 / M9 -0.5 / M10 -2.5 / M11 -2.5 / M12 +2 / M13 -5.5

Century Club and Onederland in month 7!!

on 9/20/17 6:26 am

YOU CAN DO THIS! Do you have a Bulk barn near you? They have tiny ( and I mean tiny) bottles of flavor. The NUT showed them to me yesterday. There was raspberry , coconut and ????, They are in a clear vile ( bottle, behind the cashier). I haven't tried them yet as I'm not at Opti...... but I'm hoping to be gagging this stuff down soon!!! Thinking about you and let us know how "lunch" go's?


on 9/20/17 8:17 am
RNY on 09/22/17

My favourite extracts were coconut, peppermint, and orange. I would rotate them with the chocolate and it was pretty good.

The vanilla I didn't like as much and just used instant coffee and cinnamon and nutmeg (kind of pumpkin spice like) but preferred the chocolate.

Lots of water and ice!!

Feb 17/16 - orientation TWH | March 3/16 - nurse | Nov 22/16 - Phone call f/u re-entry | Oct 18/16 - nurse | Nov 29/16 - nut class | Feb 16/17 - social worker | March 7/17 - nut apt | March 22/17 - psych apt | March 30/17 - team approved | May 5/17 - surgeon apt | June 8/17 - endoscopy | Sept 22/17 SURGERY RNY @TWH

on 9/20/17 6:35 am, edited 9/19/17 11:40 pm
RNY on 09/11/17

Hi Caff

I was told I had to stop Advil 3 months before surgery and NO Advil what so ever after surgery. You should call your clinic and ask them. I as well couldn't handle the vanilla what so ever! So I mixed the chocolate and vanilla to make milk chocolate. You can also buy sugar free syrups that really help. Star Bucks syrups are sugar free. I also bought banana extract to add to my chocolate I really in joyed that, bulk barn has many different flavours to choose from. Excel gums are sugar free and help with the after taste. You got this girl!

Orientation Class}@TWH June/29/2016 Social Worker} Sept/16/2016 Nurse Assessment} Oct/13/2016 Nutrition Class} Oct/24/2016 Psychology Assessment} Jan/11/2017 Nutrition Assessment} Feb/9/2017 Meet the Surgeon} April/20/2017 Pre-Op} Aug/22/2017 Start Optifast} Aug/21/2017 Surgery Date} Sept/11/2017@TWH

on 9/20/17 6:48 am
RNY on 09/01/17

I was told I had to stop Advil... gosh, I can't remember already, but 3 or 5 days before surgery. The pharmacist wrote it out for me at my pre-admission.

Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. Choose happy.

Opti -10 / M1 -25.5 / M2 -10 / M3 -14.5 / M4 -13 / M5 -10 / M6 -5.5 / M7 -9.5 / M8 -13.5 / M9 -0.5 / M10 -2.5 / M11 -2.5 / M12 +2 / M13 -5.5

Century Club and Onederland in month 7!!

(deactivated member)
on 9/20/17 7:22 am, edited 9/20/17 12:23 am

I love a girl that is prepared.. good luck.. soon girl soon...

on 9/20/17 7:25 am

Congratulations on your first day of Opti! I had the same starting weight as you, and my first opti without ice was dreadful, lol. I liked it best made with almost an entire 500 ml bottle of ice water, about 6 ice cubes, in a big shaker bottle.

I was also on opti for 3 weeks. It seems like a long time at first, but it will go buy so quickly.

Good luck!

Pre-Op Visit: Jan. 10, 2017, weight 304, surgeon: Dr. David Lindsay, St. Joe's, Toronto

1st Day of (3 weeks worth of) Optifast: Jan. 11, 2017

Surgery Date: Feb. 1st, 2017


on 9/20/17 7:42 am - Elliot Lake, Canada
On September 20, 2017 at 12:42 PM Pacific Time, Caff wrote:

Today is day 1 of 21. I had vanilla with cinnamon this morning, it wasn't great and I only got about 3/4 in.

For lunch I'll add ice and mix the two flavours. Everyone tells me to try adding coffee but I hate the taste so I'm trying to invent some other options.

In my purse I have Benefibre, Immodium, Advil Extra Strength and mouth wa****hink I'm prepared!

i absolutely hate coffee but it was honestly the only way i could drink optifast, i put in 1 table spoon of instant decaf coffee, 500 ml of water and about 6 or 7 ice cubes and blended. It was fabulous and to this day i still make my protein shakes like this (still dont like coffee LOL) just try it at least once in each the chocolate and the vanilla. Advil has to stop before surgery while on optifast it can make your blood thin is what i was told .

Referral Feb 14 2014; Orientation July 30 2014; 1 on 1's Feb 17, 2015; Pre op May 27 2015; Surgery date June 16, 2015


on 9/20/17 5:14 pm

Haha, so I tried the ice with coffee idea for tonight's shake. Except that, as a non-coffee drinker I didn't realize there's a big difference between instant and frozen grinds... it was a bitter, gritty mess, BLEAHHH!

When he realized what I'd done my husband laughed and laughed at me. He's going to pick up some instant for me tonight.

Rookie mistake, duh!

Referral - 05/16, Orientation @ HRH - 19/08/16, Surgeon - 06/04/17, NUT/SW/RN - 26/6/17 VSG - 11/10/17 Pre-Op - 27 lbs M1: 22 lbs M2: 14 lbs M3: 11 lbs M4: 13 lbs M5: 9 lbs M6: 9 lbs M7: 7 lbs

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