Hi - It's me MJ!
I have been moving along very well. I have had my head down and still trying to navigate around all of this. Having said that, my surgery was 6 weeks ago yesterday.
This is what is happening:
I am down 33 lbs since start of OPTI (July 18)
I am 57 days sober (kinda a big deal for me)
I have lost almost 11 inches all over.
I am in the soft food phase.
I have started working out at the Y - while I still can't do any exercises having to do with my abdomen, I can do walking/light jogging on the treadmill, water aerobics and lifting light weights sitting down.
I can drink 64 ounces of fluids a day for me that is water and herbal peppermint tea and water with crystal light.
I still love my sugar free popsicles. I HATE my protein drinks. I don't think Polly (my pouch) likes chocolate - sad loss but okay - she wins.
I am having no problem getting in my 60-80 grams of protein.
I am having some difficulty co-ordinating to stop drinking 30 minutes before meals and I really miss not drinking sparkling water during meals. Waiting between bites is like torture for me. Makes me wonder how long I have been literally "shovelling" food into my mouth.
I am due back at work on October 4, 2017
I have started to attend the Support Group at TWH - please join our Face Book page TWH Bariatric Support Group to become part of our community and to learn more about the Bi-weekly meetings at TWH.
My friends and family continue to support me.
I have more energy and I love myself more and more each day.
You all have been great.
Together we only get BETTER!!!

Best, MJ
Well done!! This is so inspiring. I wish there were a heart button instead of just a like.

Referral: 23MAY2017 - Orientation 26JUL2017 - Social Work 20OCT2017 - Nurse 16NOV2017 - Nutrition Class 20NOV2017 - Endoscopy 23NOV2017 - Psych 01FEB2018 - Nutritionist 13FEB2018 - Surgeon 27APR2018 - Surgery 19JUN2018