Halfway through the Opti - one more week to go

on 9/8/17 6:08 am

Made it through the first 7 days of Opti - down 6 lbs. Finally not feeling super hungry. Trying to work through the anxiety of surgery next Friday but feeling really ready.

Anyone else having surgery at TWH on Friday the 15th?

on 9/8/17 6:25 am

Not at TWH but at Humber on the 15th! ;)

The closer we get to the date, the more anxious I am about it. Not really scared.. just wanting to get it done and over with, wanting it to go well... and super excited! And I'm really really looking forward to not having to eat super sweetness 4 times a day. Ugh. What I wouldn't give for a fresh caprese salad from the garden..

7 more sleeps! ;)


Referral: Dec 2016 Orientation: Feb 2017 @ Humber River; Meet the Surgeon: Dr. Starr Apr 12/17; RD, RN, SW: July 12/2017; Pre-Op: Dr. Glazer Aug 16/17; Opti Start Date: Aug 26/17; Meet the NEW Surgeon: Dr. Huynh Sept 7/17; Surgery Date: Sept 15/17

HW 332 CW 306 GW 165

on 9/8/17 6:38 am

Great! We are buddies then. We should keep in touch. I would LOVE something green right now. So over Vanilla.

on 9/8/17 7:17 am

Hey there, happy your getting through the Opti meals. lol

I'm having surgery September 15th @ St. Joe's Hamilton. Only one week of Opti for me to endure.

Good luck with your surgery, and recovery

Vertical sleeve, Sept 15

on 9/8/17 7:32 am

Yay sugery buddies!! :D

Good luck to both of you on Friday!

My pre-op is Monday morning. And I want it to be next week already ;)


Referral: Dec 2016 Orientation: Feb 2017 @ Humber River; Meet the Surgeon: Dr. Starr Apr 12/17; RD, RN, SW: July 12/2017; Pre-Op: Dr. Glazer Aug 16/17; Opti Start Date: Aug 26/17; Meet the NEW Surgeon: Dr. Huynh Sept 7/17; Surgery Date: Sept 15/17

HW 332 CW 306 GW 165

on 9/8/17 9:23 am

Great loss! Surgery day will get here in no time!

Pre-Op Visit: Jan. 10, 2017, weight 304, surgeon: Dr. David Lindsay, St. Joe's, Toronto

1st Day of (3 weeks worth of) Optifast: Jan. 11, 2017

Surgery Date: Feb. 1st, 2017


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