Bariatric Centers?
How is it determined which center someone will go to? A few years ago when I was first referred I went through Humber based on my address. I new referral was made for me last month and this time they are sending me to Guelph. Guelph is much further for me then Toronto. I don't know what to do! The Bariatric Network use to have a map and you entered your postal code for them to determine the center but I can't find that...anyone going thru Guelph know what wait times are like? or Humber river? I guess I will try to call and find out why they are suggesting Guelph. I am baffled by Guelph with a orientation date for end of September. Any feedback or suggestions would be helpful. TIA
5 yrs of research Starting for the second time...Referral Sept 28/17. Orientation Guelph Sept 28/17. Nurse Oct 10/17. Dietician & Social worker Nov. 21/17
Thank you for your reply...I looked up maps and Guelph is only about 1/2 longer drive than gta hospitals. I lot less traffic too. I also wondered if it was because my bmi increased a far bit from when I allowed my nervous to talk me out of it the last time. I am going to stick with Guelph. Everything happens for a reason.
5 yrs of research Starting for the second time...Referral Sept 28/17. Orientation Guelph Sept 28/17. Nurse Oct 10/17. Dietician & Social worker Nov. 21/17