What are you eating/doing Friday?

on 8/11/17 5:29 am - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 04/11/16

Post Op RNY 16 mos

Happy Friday everyone, we made it to the weekend!! We are having visitors this weekend, family from Ottawa.

Went to the gym this morning but will forgo the walk at lunch, my walking buddy is off today. Yesterday our lunch time walk was quite eventful. I got the bejesus scared out of me when a dog came flying off a front porch, thank goodness he was on a chain. Then some crazy person was yelling at us from across the street about how hot it was. A little further along we came across another big dog, sitting on a leash with its owner. As we approached it started barking and growling and on the way by he lunged and nipped my finger. All the owner did was say sorry. Then we almost got hit by a truck that decided it didn't need to stop coming out of a laneway. Stupid ass. And finally, the bejesus scared outta me again when a car ran over an old milk carton and it popped right behind us. I said we better get back to the office before something bad happens!! LOL

Anyway, I didn't really plan my day. I brought deli meat, yogurt, a piece of chicken some bacon and cheese left over from my clubhouse the other night, more cheese, cucumbers and pepperoni. That should be enough to last me the day. No totals though, I will log as I go.

Have a great weekend everyone! Back on Monday!

Over 100 lbs lost! and 13 lbs below goal weight!

Linda M.
on 8/11/17 5:44 am - Orillia, Canada

20 weeks post-op RNY

Wow Ginnny, I wouldn't walk today either - lol.

Going to Boots tonight to see Keifer Sutherland and Keith Urban - I hope the thunder bangers hold off. I will bring a couple of protein bars with me if I can't get something more appropriate to eat and make sure there is protein in the trailer. Feeling much better than I did. It's funny that after surgery you don't know if food is disagreeing with your pouch or you are just coming down with something - like "normal" people. That's why I misunderstood my kidney infection. I guess listening to your pouch doesn't trump listening to your entire body - a work in progress and I'm still learnin'.

B - protein shake and a half black decaf. (Come on MacDonald's - you need to brew decaf. at 8:00 in the morning!

L - Last night's tilapia, tzatziki and slice tomato

D - Scrambled egg with cheddar or half a protein bar

S - Skyr with unsweetened applesauce (if I go home) or the other half of the protein bar

Calories: 551, Protein: 69, Carbs: 23. All water and vitamins.

Enjoy your weekend!

Orientation: June 29th, 2016, Surgery March 22, 2017. Pre-surgery: 16 lbs, (Size 2x, 18/20), M1: 19 lbs. (Size 1x, 16/18), M2: 13 lbs. (Size 16, XL) M3: 10 lbs. (Size 14/16, large). M4: 6 lbs. (Size 14, large/medium). M5: 10 lbs. (Size 14, solid medium - lol), M6: 9 lbs. (Size 12, medium). M7: 8 lbs. (Size 10/12 and small/medium). M8: 7 lbs. (Size 10 and small/medium). M9: 2 lbs. (Size 8/10 - small/medium). Lost 100 lbs by Month 9! M10: 5 lbs. M11: 4 lbs. One year: 6 lbs. Total 111 lbs. lost!

on 8/11/17 6:19 am - Canada

Good morning :)

Today is our last day of vacation and we are off to meet a local OH-er for lunch and some sightseeing. Then an early morning tomorrow to get to the airport for our flight. We are flying into Buffalo so I plan to pick up some groceries before we cross the border. Both DH and I want to buckle down when we get home as this summer has just been too food-filled for both of us.

Breakfast - chicken leftovers

Snack - carrots and pb

Lunch - tbd

Snack - protein bar

Dinner - tbd

Snack - pudding

All water and vits.

on 8/11/17 7:41 am

Another day of not really wanting to eat. Not sure what's going on with me. Maybe just tired this week since my husband is away and having to deal with 2 kids. Working till 5pm today. Then my son is supposed to have a soccer game but looks like rain so probably just the end of year soccer party. This weekend is a bit busy - soccer for both of them tomorrow and baseball practice for my son. Then Sunday my son has a hockey game and then I'm planning on doing groceries then sitting in my pool as it's supposed to be nice. I'm going to float around and relax. Haven't used the pool as much as I'd like to this year because of the weather and because of my son's baseball.

B: Premier protein and coffee

L: pretzels and peanut butter

S: Premier protein

D: Not sure yet - will depend on what I feel like

Cals: 545, protein 69 and 25 carbs

RNY Jan 16/17 Surgery @ St. Mikes with Dr. Rotstein. Pre-Surgery -20lbs & Optifast -15lbs. Year 1 Loss after RNY: 131lbs

**Half the woman I was**

on 8/11/17 6:07 pm

Lazy food day

b: protein shake

l: 2 oz turkey breast, 1 oz cheese, 2 slices bacon

snack: skinny vanilla latte

d: protein shake

snack: 1/2 stick beef jerky

referral: early June 2016; surgery Feb 21, 2017

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