What are you eating/doing (Saturday)

on 7/22/17 7:38 am - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

Late this morning. Nothing planned just some housework. Family coming tomorrow.

b greek yogurt, rhubarb

l tuna, yogurt

s celery laughing cow

d chicken, salad






on 7/22/17 9:11 am - Canada

Good afternoon ;)

Late to the party because we just had a playdate for the puppies. It was amazing. Our puppy and their's look so much alike. They are littermates. They are the same colour, but they also have really similar mannerisms. Now we are continuing on with a little roadtrip. I am forced to be good with my snacking because I accidentally packed my lunch bag in the trunk. We will stop for lunch soon.

Breakfast - 1/2 Tim's breakfast English muffin

Snack - the other 1/2, fruit

Lunch - bunless burger

Snack - peameal bacon

Dinner - tbd

Snack - yogurt

All water and vits.

on 7/22/17 2:57 pm - Canada
RNY on 02/02/15

I feel like I'm never on here as much as I intend to be. Things just seem to keep popping up. I was having tummy troubles, everything made me feel horrible so I went protein shakes and soup for a couple days, today is my first actual solid food in a few days.... We'll see how it goes as I'm eating while I type.
Today's been a bi wonky I've had:

protein shake with peanut butter and coca powder blended with ice

4oz chicken.

I know it's not much, I'll try to add something in later.

So far my stats are: Protein - 68g, carbs 34g, Calories 631

on 7/23/17 7:46 am - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

Hope you are feeling better





on 7/23/17 8:47 am - Canada
RNY on 02/02/15

I was able to eat the chicken without problem and a little bit today. I'm not going to over do it and still have some shakes and soup. I woke up with some nasty neck pain today so It'll be a pretty low key day. Plus it's raining and that ruins my yard care/gardening plans.

on 7/22/17 10:16 pm

Did housework in the a.m. then went to a Bollywood Festival in Mississauga and did some shopping at Square One.

B - high protein yogurt, a banana

L - cheese, Whisps, grape tomatoes

D - tandoori chicken leg, salad

S - egg salad on cucumber slices

S - kid size soft serve ice cream

Decaf iced tea (with stevia), 2 x Vitamin Water Zero, 2 cups water

TWH ... Referral April 2015 ... Orientation July 2015 ... Psych Sept 2015 ... Social Worker Oct 2015 ... Nurse Practitioner Dec 2015 ... Nutrition Class Jan 2016 ... Nutritionist Feb 2016 ... Surgeon Appt April 2016 ... VGS Surgery July 2016

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