What are you eating /doing Monday

on 7/3/17 5:17 am - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

Good morning all. Off to camp for the week. Hope to get in some good hikes. My meals are very planned this week since we have to take everything with us. xcept for lunch today. We will stop for Wendy's on the way north.

b greek yogurt, blueberries, granola

l wendy's salad with chicken

s cherries

d steak, salad

s tea

Have a good week everyone





on 7/3/17 5:50 am - Canada

Good morning :)

DH has to work today (boo) so I'm going to do a bunch of running around and house chores. I'm hoping the roofers come back today as it looks like a nice day. This afternoon I might clean up a garden where I want to transplant some raspberry bushes too. It is a wild zone right now as we never know what to do with it. I'm hoping the raspberries will grow there.

Tonight we are going to look at a minivan. DH is resisting because we aren't hockey parents yet lol. No human kids yet, but two furbabies. It's squishy when we pack up the car to go to the cottage, and now we have two pups. Time to upgrade.

Breakfast - protein shake

Snack - turkey sausage

Lunch - chicken curry

Snack - Greek yogurt

Dinner - ham and veg

Snack - protein shake

All water and vits.

on 7/3/17 6:24 am - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

We had vans for years. When we decided to buy a new vehicle we downsized. Thinking with no kids what do we need a big van for. Now after surgery I am back camping and we have no room in our car for all the crap we take. At times like this I wish I had the van back.





on 7/3/17 7:56 am

My hubby is doing our deck this weekend and it's almost done! Yay! Finally my backyard will be done. We bought our house in 2011 and did nothing to the backyard except for sod since it was brand new. Thankfully we didn't do a thing since we put an inground pool in this year and the deck off the side of the house is the final piece of the puzzle. Looking great! We will be swimming and doing laundry today. Have to go pick up my son from baseball camp at noon. Hopefully he met someone and enjoyed himself. He is an outgoing kid but seemed a bit hesitant this morning.

I increased my calories and protein and started losing weight again. 10lbs away from one der land and I can't wait. I'm 5'9.

I haven't logged this yet:

b: premier and decaf

l: chicken salad from pita pit

d: 3oz of steak

s: not sure yet but something protein related

RNY Jan 16/17 Surgery @ St. Mikes with Dr. Rotstein. Pre-Surgery -20lbs & Optifast -15lbs. Year 1 Loss after RNY: 131lbs

**Half the woman I was**

Lisa C.
on 7/3/17 6:49 pm

Hi Everyone, I am in the puree stage and would like to jump on this post. Please feel free to comment if I am not eating what I should be. I am lost a little on how much I should be eating.

B-1 poached egg and two tiny melba toast

S- protein shake that took an hour to drink

L- ricotta bake -approx 3 tablespoons

D - 2 tablespoons of puree ham, 2 tablespoons of cottage cheese, 2 mini melba toast

S - protein shake that took an hour to drink

4 cups of water, all vits

71 grams of protein, 12 grams of carbs, 761 calories

Referred April 2016, Orientation September 21, 2016; Psyc appointment November 23, 2016; Nurse Practitioner assessment November 30, 2016; Nutrition Class December 7, 2016; Social Worker assessment December 9, 2016; Nutrition 1:1 January 26, 2017 and Surgeon April 7, 2017; Pre-admission June 12, 2017; Surgery date June 20, 2017 with Dr. T. Jackson TWH.

Pre surgery loss 20 lbs, M1-17 lb, M2-16, M3-16.2, M4-7, M5-10.8, M6-+8, M7-4, M8-

Goal 1- 50 pound loss by Jan. 1, 2018 (245.6 lbs) reached August 10, 2017

Goal 2 - 100 pound loss by June 21, 2018 (one year post op) (195.6) reached TBD

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