What are you eating/doing Tuesday?
I've been MIA for quite a while. School got intense and then life and a batch of health nonsense. My optometrist wants me to have an eye surgery not covered by OHIP, my GP doesn't want me to have it due it not being covered and therefore he's not sure if he trusts it... so 3rd opinion on September from an Ophthalmologist. I've also had a Holter monitor (heart monitor) ecg, blood work, MRI and waiting for a neurologist referral... all due to annoying and frequent dizzy spells... so far everything is coming back normal aside from a small hole between my atria which is nothing to be concerned about and about 25% of people have it and most don't know it.
I've really fallen off the wagon, i'm either not eating or i've just eaten to have something cause I should. Thus i've gained the regain i lost back and now I'm back to having to lose 15+ lbs. Trying to get back on the wagon, doing a day or 2 of protein shakes and some leftover tomato soup my other half made... he made wayyy to much so I have soup for days. I just have to figure out how to keep the protein up... which I also need because of healing a pretty nasty gash in my leg from a lawnmower incident... long story short it threw a rock, rock hit me.
Also, for the gash, someone recommended something called Arnica, has anyone heard of this or used it?
My eats I'm not even going to post for today, lets just say it included a slice of leftover pizza and some broccoli. Absolutely horrible! I've likely had to much sodium eating prepared foods while away this weekend... and boy am I feeling it!
I'm hoping that by getting back into posting I"ll get my butt back on track.
I have an atrial septal defect as well. As you noted, many people have it just don't know. Most also get it because they didn't cry when born. The main thing I was told was to ask for a bubble separator on an IV when possible and to not take ASA (asprin). I do wear a medic alert bracelet and note it when I go into the hospital. I have also been informed that while most people don't know about it, since I do they prefer me to go through a high risk pregnancy centre but with the surgery I will have to anyways.
I am also going through the same thing right now. Blood pressure is dropping randomly, dizzy spells and some fun with my vision. My family doctor thinks it could be an infection and it checking that side out right now. I had ran through all of the other tests as part of the screening for surgery.

Lap Band - 07/08 (not filled long) Referral OBN 04/16, Orientation 09/16, Nutrition Workshop 4/7/17, Nurse 4/24/17, Psych 5/15/17, Dietician 5/24/17, Internist 6/13/17 Consent 7/10/17 Surgery 9/29/2017
HW 4/17: 267 Opti Start 9/16/17: 254 Surgery 9/29: 240.8 M1:-18 M2:-14 M3:-9 M4:-5 M5:-6
They called mine a foramen ovale.... sort of the same idea.
I'm not having surgery or any such thing just have a nasty gash I should have probably gotten stiches on and didnt.... it's been 5 days now and it's still swollen enough the edges won't meet.... and pretty nasty looking.
My doctor made some hmmm noises when checking things and then said he was referring me off. Lol. So far all is normal so who knows. But I've always had very low bp. I'm in the 80/50 -88/56 range.... that's likely the cause but I get black outs in my vision when it happens and a couple of times with a racing heart.
I wouldn't put Arnica on an open wound. From my understanding it is more a topical cream that you would use to treat a trauma (bruises, aches/pain) not open wounds.
You should probably get the leg looked at as it could get infected and depending on how deep it is it may need to be packed so it can heal from the inside out.
As for getting back on track, you know the drill, protein first. Put unflavoured protein in that tomato soup if you feel you need to eat it. Otherwise dense protein first then a bit of non-starchy veg.
Good luck to you with your other health issues.
I didn't think it was for wounds. Lol. I have it covered with gauze and polysporn. Unfortunately the wait at the hospital here is usually several hours and they don't do a whole lot. And after being misdiagnosed and put on a medication that made me unbelievably sick for absolutely no reason because the doctor barely even looked at anything! I'm not to up for going there unless I have to. it's fairly deep considering I think, but so swollen I can't pull the sides together yet.
finding unflavoured protein powder up here is not an easy task. lol. I've been feeling horrible and had trouble eating all all yesterday without being nauseous from around noon onward so I'm starting with shakes and seeing how I feel. I do need to get some veggies, I think I'm down to some frozen green beans.
Thanks, so far all tests are coming back normal which is both a relief and a concern since it means I have no answers for why i get insanely dizzy and sometimes my vision blurs sometimes it blacks out completely. I'd like an answer. Lol. I'm in nursing school, this can affect my career the same as this losing my vision most certainly will if something isn't done.