No sleeve for me...

on 6/16/17 12:32 pm, edited 6/16/17 12:34 pm
RNY on 09/22/17

Hi all!

I've been a bit quiet on here for the last month as I awaited my gastroscopy to determine if I was a good candidate for the VSG surgery. I had that procedure on the 8th and it looks like I'm not sleeve material. I have esophagitis (otherwise known as GERD) and my esophageal sphincter is weak which there's no remedy for and could potentially cause big problems for me if I was to get the sleeve. So not the news I was hoping to get and now I'm on PPIs up until surgery to repair the inflammation (so 3 months) and then likely until my 3 month follow up. I also hate taking meds and try to avoid them as much as possible so that's been a bit of a bummer to get that prescription. Side effects have been occasional diarrhea (TMI), stomach pain, and crazy vivid nightmares and dreams. Hopefully that subsides once I adjust.

Other than that I'm getting excited for surgery! I started an Instagram account to follow other WLS patients, recipes etc, so message me if you want to look me up and I'll pass on my username there. I have been trying to balance my gut microbes as much as possible and continue to make small changes and healthier choices as surgery nears. RNY here I come!

Feb 17/16 - orientation TWH | March 3/16 - nurse | Nov 22/16 - Phone call f/u re-entry | Oct 18/16 - nurse | Nov 29/16 - nut class | Feb 16/17 - social worker | March 7/17 - nut apt | March 22/17 - psych apt | March 30/17 - team approved | May 5/17 - surgeon apt | June 8/17 - endoscopy | Sept 22/17 SURGERY RNY @TWH

(deactivated member)
on 6/16/17 12:40 pm

Sorry :(

on 6/16/17 4:59 pm
RNY on 09/22/17

Thanks Jobear27! The truth is I hadn't ever considered it much until prior to meeting the surgeon when the idea was recommended to me as a potentially good option for me. I kind of wish she hadn't recommended it but it's good to get the scope and know I have some esophageal issues that needed attention so at least something good came from it.

Feb 17/16 - orientation TWH | March 3/16 - nurse | Nov 22/16 - Phone call f/u re-entry | Oct 18/16 - nurse | Nov 29/16 - nut class | Feb 16/17 - social worker | March 7/17 - nut apt | March 22/17 - psych apt | March 30/17 - team approved | May 5/17 - surgeon apt | June 8/17 - endoscopy | Sept 22/17 SURGERY RNY @TWH

(deactivated member)
on 6/16/17 3:50 pm - Brampton , Canada
RNY on 09/12/17

So sorry you didn't get the news you were hoping for :(

I have an Instagram too, lola.does.wls

on 6/16/17 4:57 pm
RNY on 09/22/17

Added!! So awesome we are so close in dates. I'll be just 10days behind you.

Feb 17/16 - orientation TWH | March 3/16 - nurse | Nov 22/16 - Phone call f/u re-entry | Oct 18/16 - nurse | Nov 29/16 - nut class | Feb 16/17 - social worker | March 7/17 - nut apt | March 22/17 - psych apt | March 30/17 - team approved | May 5/17 - surgeon apt | June 8/17 - endoscopy | Sept 22/17 SURGERY RNY @TWH

on 6/16/17 4:29 pm

It might seem disappointing now that you can't have the vsg but it is better that they check so you don't have further complications.

There are also quite a few PPI's so if you are having some side effects you can always ask to try out another one.

Good luck with the rest of the pre-surgery progress! Surgery day will be here before you know it!

Lap Band - 07/08 (not filled long) Referral OBN 04/16, Orientation 09/16, Nutrition Workshop 4/7/17, Nurse 4/24/17, Psych 5/15/17, Dietician 5/24/17, Internist 6/13/17 Consent 7/10/17 Surgery 9/29/2017

HW 4/17: 267 Opti Start 9/16/17: 254 Surgery 9/29: 240.8 M1:-18 M2:-14 M3:-9 M4:-5 M5:-6

on 6/16/17 4:56 pm
RNY on 09/22/17

I'm ok with it. I was more upset last week but like you say gbears it's really about finding out which surgery I'll tolerate best and I am confident that VSG isn't in my healths best interest. I'll have to look into alternatives for the PPI I am on if things persist. No crazy intense dreams last night or upset stomach in the past 24hrs so perhaps those symptoms are abating? The first week wasn't super pleasant. Onwards and upwards! Or downwards in our case.

Feb 17/16 - orientation TWH | March 3/16 - nurse | Nov 22/16 - Phone call f/u re-entry | Oct 18/16 - nurse | Nov 29/16 - nut class | Feb 16/17 - social worker | March 7/17 - nut apt | March 22/17 - psych apt | March 30/17 - team approved | May 5/17 - surgeon apt | June 8/17 - endoscopy | Sept 22/17 SURGERY RNY @TWH

on 6/16/17 8:18 pm

Hopefully you body is adjusting. I remember with one of my meds I slept walked. The one day I opened all my closets and cupboards so I blocked the door with post and pans hoping the noise would wake me up and I wouldn't try to leave the house the next night. Didn't quite try that but I did wake up to a very cold coffee sitting in my machine.

I am also one of the patients that is strapped down until I am fully alert because I react funny to the anesthetics. My first surgery I came out swinging and actually made contact with the nurse. Don't remember doing that but remember my mom making my apologize to the poor lady.

It is funny how the body reacts.

Lap Band - 07/08 (not filled long) Referral OBN 04/16, Orientation 09/16, Nutrition Workshop 4/7/17, Nurse 4/24/17, Psych 5/15/17, Dietician 5/24/17, Internist 6/13/17 Consent 7/10/17 Surgery 9/29/2017

HW 4/17: 267 Opti Start 9/16/17: 254 Surgery 9/29: 240.8 M1:-18 M2:-14 M3:-9 M4:-5 M5:-6

on 6/16/17 8:25 pm
RNY on 09/22/17

Ha! That's so funny (and not because it's kind of scary) but I told the surgeon and the anesthesiologist that durning my tonsillectomy I woke up! I actually fully sat up and started talking durning the surgery. The nurses told me it really startled them. Maybe hearing that they gave me a little extra lol. I'm sensitive to meds that's why I typically like to avoid them. Sleep walking would be an unwelcome side effect! Scary. I'm sorry that happened. I'm hoping these nightmares end. They're so vivid I'm walking up feeling tired like I've been up all night.

Feb 17/16 - orientation TWH | March 3/16 - nurse | Nov 22/16 - Phone call f/u re-entry | Oct 18/16 - nurse | Nov 29/16 - nut class | Feb 16/17 - social worker | March 7/17 - nut apt | March 22/17 - psych apt | March 30/17 - team approved | May 5/17 - surgeon apt | June 8/17 - endoscopy | Sept 22/17 SURGERY RNY @TWH

on 6/16/17 8:30 pm

Oh my goodness! Do you remember that?

Hopefully the nightmares are over for your rest and sanity sake!

Lap Band - 07/08 (not filled long) Referral OBN 04/16, Orientation 09/16, Nutrition Workshop 4/7/17, Nurse 4/24/17, Psych 5/15/17, Dietician 5/24/17, Internist 6/13/17 Consent 7/10/17 Surgery 9/29/2017

HW 4/17: 267 Opti Start 9/16/17: 254 Surgery 9/29: 240.8 M1:-18 M2:-14 M3:-9 M4:-5 M5:-6

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