Getting Excited

Candi P.
on 6/5/17 6:55 am - Mississauga, Canada
RNY on 08/01/17

Morning Bari-Fam,

This past weekend is my countdown to 2 months until surgery! So I decide that I need to start getting all the things I need in for surgery, as summer is always busy for us and I am a very super organized person. So I ordered some sugar free Jello and Puddings and some Syntrax Nectar samples, as well as a container of unflavoured protein powder. I got it all from the low carb grocery. Placed the order on Wednesday and got it all on Friday. Very quick turn around which was nice :) I am waiting for all my chewable vitamins to be delivered for those first few weeks as well. Cant believe in 5 weeks I will be starting Opti and then 3 weeks later I will be having surgery. Some days it feels like the time is dragging, and other days I'm like oh wow here we go 2 month away eek. I love seeing all the people who are already on the "losers bench" and seeing your updates and progress as it gives me so much hope and excitement for my turn. Hope you all have a fabulous Monday.

Orientation: June 29th, 2016, Social Work Assessment: September 22nd, 2016, Nursing: October 17th, 2016, Nutrition: November 9, 2016, Psychology: January 10, 2017, Dietitian: January 12, 2017, Got Approval from Rounds: Jan 19, 2017, Meeting Surgeon: March 17, 2017, Pre-Op Appt: July 11, 2017, RNY Surgery Booked: Aug 1st, 2017 @ TWH

HW: 372.1, SW: 352.6, M1: 27.2, M2: 8, M3: 10.3 M4:

on 6/5/17 7:09 am - Canada

Love your excitement and energy. Those 2 months will fly. GET READY FOR A CRAZY RIDE !!!

You also have a FABULOUS MONDAY

  SW- 260    GW- 150    CW -138    Height - 5'5      RNY- St Josephs Hamilton July 17/2015  

on 6/5/17 7:09 am


You should be excited as it's a very exciting time and something that will come quicker then you expect.

Just to share you can buy sugar free jello at any grocery store or Wal-Mart even. Not sure the price you paid at the specialty store but just thought I would mention it. Also as you are allowed sugar free popsicles I would pick up sugar free freebies as they are out on the stores for the summer.

Happy for you,


Candi P.
on 6/5/17 7:13 am - Mississauga, Canada
RNY on 08/01/17

Thanks Laura,

My cousin mentioned the no-sugar added Jello at Wal-mart but not the puddings. And she also mentioned the freezies that are sugar free as well, so I am going to be doing that next week. Might have to get 2 boxes lol one for now and then one for surgery.

Orientation: June 29th, 2016, Social Work Assessment: September 22nd, 2016, Nursing: October 17th, 2016, Nutrition: November 9, 2016, Psychology: January 10, 2017, Dietitian: January 12, 2017, Got Approval from Rounds: Jan 19, 2017, Meeting Surgeon: March 17, 2017, Pre-Op Appt: July 11, 2017, RNY Surgery Booked: Aug 1st, 2017 @ TWH

HW: 372.1, SW: 352.6, M1: 27.2, M2: 8, M3: 10.3 M4:

on 6/5/17 7:36 am

They carry no sugar added pudding in the ready to eat refrigerated the yogurt....not too expensive at Wal-Mart but better flavours else where....or maybe just not the location near me. I didn't eat a lot of pudding so the ready made worked well for me.

Great idea on the freezies!!


on 6/5/17 7:54 am - Canada

You can sometimes get a few different flavours that aren't available in stores like SF peach jello and cheesecake and chocolate fudge pudding :) I loooooove the cheesecake flavour!!

on 6/5/17 11:36 am

Yea I got those flavours in the States. ?

on 6/5/17 8:16 am
RNY on 03/07/17

These next 2 months will fly by - getting organized and ready is a great game plan for the upcoming changes in your life. You have the right attitude! Its all very exciting and new and different but challenging at the same time. Good for you for making the decision to do this for yourself and your health! Seeing everyone's progress is definitely motivating. I got stuck at a weight stall this morning but that's ok - its part of the whole journey and I can't expect to lose every week. The scale is only one indicator of the changes happening to me so I have to look at the big picture and see that I'm moving in the right direction overall and that's all that matters in the end!

on 6/5/17 8:45 am

That's great, Candi; you'll be super prepared after surgery. The time will fly by.

Pre-Op Visit: Jan. 10, 2017, weight 304, surgeon: Dr. David Lindsay, St. Joe's, Toronto

1st Day of (3 weeks worth of) Optifast: Jan. 11, 2017

Surgery Date: Feb. 1st, 2017


michelle W.
on 6/5/17 9:07 am
RNY on 06/12/17 is an exciting time. I only have 1 week left of opti... :) surgery a week from today.. so can't wait.. and didn't think it would get here quick enough.

I too am very organized... I have my vitamins for at least 3 mths after surgery..and sugar free puddings/apple sauce etc all ready to go.

The time will get here before you know it.. and opti really isn't that bad at all. Congrats on your surgery.. and can't wait to hear about your updates as well.

Referral - March 23rd 2016 TWH Orientation - June 15 2016 Social - Sept 6 2016 Nurse - Oct 3 2016 Nut Class - Nov 14 2016 Psych - Dec 14 2016 Nut Jan 4 2017 Surgeon - Feb 24 2017 Pre-op May 23 2017 Opti start date May 29 2017 Surgery Date - June 12 2017 HW-285 CW - 154.2 Opti start weight - 261.5 SW - 256

Preop-23.5 Opti-5.5 M1-13.8 M2-14.2 M3-11 M4-9.5 M5-9.9 M6-6.8 M7-9.4 M8-5.9 M9-4.2 M10-4.6 M11-2.4

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