Waterloo/Wellington Gastric Bypass Support Group - May Meeting - Guest Speaker - Leona...

on 5/27/17 12:35 pm - Canada

Waterloo/Wellington Gastric Bypass Support Group

When: Sunday May 28th, 1-4PM

Where: 520 Ellis Road, Cambridge, ON

St. James Anglican Church

We will be charging $5 per person for this meeting. This money will go towards the travel costs of our guest speaker for this meeting. We are excited that Leona Oknee Dove will be speaking at this meeting. Leona, A.K.A The Iron Maiden will speak for the first part of the meeting then look at people's lab work on a one-to-one basis for the remainder. You can check out Leona's website: www.theironmaiden.ca for more info.

Parking is in the back, go through the gate of the chain-link fence and follow the signs to our meeting room!

Everyone is Welcome! Pre-Op, Post-Op, Just thinking about having surgery!

If you have any further questions you can email Morgan at [email protected] or Sharon [email protected]

You can also contact our Group Leader Sharon Moody at


Or search us on Facebook: Waterloo/Wellington Gastric Bypass Support Group

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