Just started opti fast. And I've cheated

on 5/21/17 1:23 pm

How important is it not to cheat on optifast?? It's so hard - I've tried really hard and sometimes it's easier and others times it's hard. Does this mean I'm not ready for the surgery?

Leslie W.
on 5/21/17 5:43 pm - Cobourg, Canada

It is very important not tocheat. The purpose of opti is to shrink liver to allow space for the surgeon to see your stomach. If the liver does not shrink the surgeon may not be able to do rny. You don't mention how far you are along. Increase fluids. If you want to eat go for a walk. Do something. After day 3 you will find hunger decreasing Not sure what you are eating but take a deep breath and continue with opti. Follow the rules If you can't call your centre tuesday Don't put yourself at risk.

Referral: August 2010 Orientation TWH: May 25, 2011  NP: June 8/11, f/u sleep clinic June 7, abd u/s June 14, SW: June 28/11  Nutrition Class: July 5/11, Dietician Aug 09, Psychologist Aug 25 Surgeon Sept 16th Surgery Date: Oct 11/11 HW:287, Opti wt: 260 SW: 242
My Angel is Sheri TK   
on 5/21/17 7:24 pm - Canada

Just breathe. You can do this. I started Opti on May 2 and the first few days felt like pure torture. But it did get better, more like a routine and the hunger subsided. The head hunger never does, so that is all you.

Cheating is no indication of whether you are ready for surgery. Opti is seriously HARD, it will challenge you, but just keep your eye on the prize. :)

on 5/22/17 5:27 am - Canada

You are embarking on a very serious journey. Instructions are given for your safety. If your liver isn't small enough come surgery day.....then they may just not do it.

You will be asked to do many hard, uncomfortable things along the way. Make sure that you are 100%committed to this.

With that said.....damn right it's hard, and is OK to make a mistake. It's not ok to continue to do things you know are wrong. Shake it off, and now get on track. It DOES get better and a little easier. This is the first chance to prove to yourself you are strong and you CAN do this.

Hang in there....

  SW- 260    GW- 150    CW -138    Height - 5'5      RNY- St Josephs Hamilton July 17/2015  

on 5/22/17 6:42 am

Thanks for the advise and support. I've been on optifast for 1 week and I have to be on it for 3 weeks. It is a lot easier now then the first few days. I'm going to try and take the advise and go for a walk when temptation hits. I am determined not to eat anything other then my broth and leafy greens. If I do break and cheat again I will see the surgeon and let him know. It will be such a disappointment if I can't make it through. I am going to keep my eye on the prize.

Wayne H.
on 5/24/17 11:10 am
RNY on 02/08/17

Are you allowed Clear Broths and Jello? Those two items helped me through the "Cheat" feelings and they are allowed in the Ottawa Program.

To me I summed things up like this in my Mind.

"If I cheat on Opti, then clearly I am not ready for a life changing surgery and Life style Change"

I reminded myself of that everytime the urge struck, fortunately after about 3 - 4 days on Opti, I started feeling more full and content with each shake and never had to worry about it. But the Broth and Jello really helped. I was allowed 20 calories a day. That meant 1 of each per day, or 2 broth or 2 jello in a day...depending on my mood.

All the best, You got this.


on 5/24/17 2:09 pm

Thanks Wayne. It is getting easier... I keep reminding myself of the end goal. I am allowed jello and broth... they didn't give me a limit on how much of each. I haven't have either one for a few days so maybe that's why I was weak. I'm determined and haven't cheated this week and I don't plan on it

Wayne H.
on 5/25/17 9:44 am
RNY on 02/08/17

I was allowed up to 20 Calories per day while on Opti. So one Jello is 10 Cal, 1/2 Cup of Broth I think is 10 Cal. Use how you like but stick to the 20 cal daily limit.

on 5/25/17 10:39 am

Thanks Wayne I will. Someday I don't even eat the 20 cal cause I miss the jello lol.

on 5/22/17 8:13 am - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

Yes opti is hard. We all did it. Decide if this is worth the work. Realise that after surgery you will have to make decisions on food for the rest of your life. Are you ready to let go of your eating habits and make some new ones?

What changes are you making that after surgery will help you to stay on plan for the rest of your life?

Only you know if you are ready for surgery.





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