Concerns as I move forward

on 5/19/17 12:20 pm

I want to start off that I am beyond excited about moving forward through the process. This being said I have a worry in the back of mind about success. My Lapband experience was not great. I did lose weight at the start once I had some of the complications sorted out I did gain weight. 45lbs on top of what I lost actually.

I know that I had undiagnosed hypothyroidism and my weight gain has pretty much stopped (give or take 10 lbs) since I have had it under control but I don't want to use that as an excuse.

I also am aware and accept the things that I did to make it not being a success following the band being opened like like going out for bar nights (I was doing this during as well and was not even a year out of University when I had it done) and eating my feelings and just having portions way too large. I am not really a drinker any more (actually haven't even had my weekend drink with dinner for a month now) and I am working on mindfully eating, and using smaller plates to have smaller portion sizes. My husband and I also cook mostly from scratch and meal plan so I have that way of helping with the mindfulness.

Even with knowing my errors the last time and knowing that I have a system and a great support group in place, I have that little worry in the back of mind about being unsuccessful. I am sure I am not the only one that hears or has heard that voice. How do you tackle it?

Lap Band - 07/08 (not filled long) Referral OBN 04/16, Orientation 09/16, Nutrition Workshop 4/7/17, Nurse 4/24/17, Psych 5/15/17, Dietician 5/24/17, Internist 6/13/17 Consent 7/10/17 Surgery 9/29/2017

HW 4/17: 267 Opti Start 9/16/17: 254 Surgery 9/29: 240.8 M1:-18 M2:-14 M3:-9 M4:-5 M5:-6

on 5/19/17 3:01 pm

I think we all worry about failure to some degree. We've all tried diets and other things in the past and while we may have had success at times, we end right back where we were if not a little heavier. So, of course going through for this surgery you will have the same feelings as you did with all other weight loss attempts.

I'm 2 months post op and I have to admit, although I'm having good weight loss, failure, or perhaps not losing what I would like down the road pops into my mind from time to time. For me, I do my best to shut those thoughts out, and ignore it. The more you focus on those thoughts, the more you will think about it.

I have goals to where I want to be, but you also have to be mindful of not putting a definite timeline on your success either. I have a lot of mini goals within my main goal and sure I think I'd like to be this weight by this time, but I can't be upset if I don't make it by then. If it takes a bit longer so be it! We often compare ourselves to others (regarding weight loss after surgery)...don't! We all are built different and we all lose at different speeds. If it takes you longer than others then so be long as you get there its not a race.

Also, I know you mentioned you were underdiagnosed for hypothyroidism. My Mom had that when I was young, and she went undiagnosed for years, she felt tired all the time (slept alot) and gained alot of weight. Its very difficult to fight your body when something is not working right and your not aware, so give yourself a break on that one, in regards to some weight gain, it happens to other people too.

Although not sure how long I was undiagnosed with severe sleep apnea, the year plus before I was diagnosed (diagnosed last May) I had no energy could sleep several times a day. It probably came on so slow that I didn't even realize it. It was unnormal the way I was feeling run down, no energy, not undetstanding how I could sleep for 12 hours, and 2 hours later go to bed for another 4 hours. It was ridiculous, and I have family say you sleep too much, that's why your always tired. I kinda believed it, but I couldn't fight something I didn't know. I thought I might have hypothyrodism but it was checked out, and it was fine, so had no reasons to why I was feeling this way. I'm sure like you when you got the diagnosis and were given the meds you saw a difference in how you felt, like I did after using the CPAP. Like I said hard to fight something when your body is 'failing' you in someway and your not aware of it.

Sounds like your making some good choices now which is good in preparation for when you have surgery. Try and focus on all the good stuff your doing, and do the best to be positive about your future success, and ignore those negative thoughts as much as possible.

Good luck to you on your journey.

Orientation April 2016 - Final approvals December 2016. Surgical Class January 23, 2017. Met with Dr. Reed February 7, 2017. Opti start date March 1, 2017. Surgery March 15, 2017 (Dr. Foute-Nelong).

HW 348 SW 316 CW 191

GW 160

on 5/19/17 6:40 pm

Thank you so much! It is good to know I am not alone in thinking this and good to hear how people tackle it.

Lap Band - 07/08 (not filled long) Referral OBN 04/16, Orientation 09/16, Nutrition Workshop 4/7/17, Nurse 4/24/17, Psych 5/15/17, Dietician 5/24/17, Internist 6/13/17 Consent 7/10/17 Surgery 9/29/2017

HW 4/17: 267 Opti Start 9/16/17: 254 Surgery 9/29: 240.8 M1:-18 M2:-14 M3:-9 M4:-5 M5:-6

on 5/19/17 6:34 pm - Canada

I just had my revision on Tuesday from Lap Band to RNY. Failure was a huge concern for me, because my Band caused me nothing but trouble.

I have faith in RNY and I think that's a better choice for me. If you want to talk, feel free to message me :)

Diminishing Dawn
on 5/21/17 12:57 pm - Windsor, Canada

Hopefully you have learned from your past struggles and you are ready to put your best foot forward. Listen to the wisdom of those who have gone through the journey before you. Make the most of the opportunity given. Worry about losing first and the treats later and you'll do amazing.

Good of luck to you!

17+ years post op RNY. first year blog here or My LongTimer blog. Tummy Tuck Dr. Matic 2014 -Ohip funded panni Windsor WLS support group.message me anytime!
HW:290 LW:139 RW: 167 CW: 139

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