Nurse appointment at Humber

on 5/8/17 6:33 am

Just curious to know what happens at this appointment and how long it is ?

on 5/8/17 7:11 am - Halton Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/25/17

Is this your pre-op appointment or 1 month post-op?

If pre-op, the nurse appointment was pretty quick, I think mine was 20 minutes at most. They took blood pressure, weight, then went over medical history.

HW: 335 SW: 310 CW: 287

on 5/8/17 1:45 pm

Sorry I guess I should have clarified that in my post . This was pre-op. It really was a quick appointment ! Now the wait to see Dr. Glazer ..

on 5/8/17 7:12 am

When I had my appointment it lasted approximately 1 hour. The RN reviewed the vitamin requirements and frequency, Enoxaprin injections, bloodwork, waist circumference, bloodpressure, went over the discharge medications and upcoming appointments.

I found the appointment very overwhelming, you receive a lot of handouts and information all at once. Take notes as you go along. When I got home I reviewed everything on my own so I could wrap my head around everything.

If you meet with the Social Worker and Dietitian the same day, those appointments are a lot quicker. My SW appointment was about 10 minutes and the dietitian about 15

Just make sure you go prepared, take your food diary and highlight any changes you've made so far. Also be able to recite what the surgery is, how it is performed, post op complications, medications required for life (ie: vitamins) and each post-op food stage and for how long and what you can eat. I studied my butt off and practically recited the entire book which resulted in me passing all three appointments :)

If you aren't prepared, they will make you come back for another appointment; not sure how long you'd have to wait so going in prepared will help in the long run

Best of luck!

Referral date: May 19, 2016 | Info session: July 12, 2016 | Surgeon Approval: December 2, 2016 | Pre Op: January 24, 2017 | Trio: February 9, 2017 | Surgery Date: March 3, 2017, Humber River Regional Hospital

Starting Weight: 253 | Post-Optifast Weight/day of surgery: 237 | Current Weight: 123.2

on 5/8/17 1:43 pm

Thanks for the info . I already did the SW and dietitian last week . It was just the Nurse today. Today's appointment was very quick.. quicker then I thought it would be ! My RD&SW appointments were an hour long each! Now I just have to meet with Dr. Glazer and then the surgeon ..

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