on 4/30/17 1:36 pm
RNY on 05/08/17

I kept a journal nothing long and elaborate just keeping track of my feelings. I've struggled with my weight all my life and honestly discovered more about myself these past 2 weeks then ever before.

I found this part of the journey extremely difficult I was put on Opti for 3 weeks so I got 1 entire week left. So far I am down 18lbs since I began (April 17th) I'm feeling much lighter and I have a ton of energy but boy it has not been easy. I drink broth in between when I feel like something salty and so far its been ok. starting to get a bit more creative with the opti tried it today warm almost like a hot chocolat...it was yummy... but at this point what isn't. I am keeping a positive outlook for the most part. I' m surprised and a little impressed with myself which I haven't felt for a very very long time.

I talk to myself a lot...a lot when confronted with difficult food situations a few times I wanted to cry and scream really loudly but I got through it and found support from my friends which I found was also very helpful you need that.

Anyway just wanted to share im almost there!!

on 4/30/17 2:12 pm
RNY on 05/04/17

I'm on day 11. It is a tough slog.

Drove from Stratford to Ottawa, packed up my daughter's apartment and drove back again all in one day.

4 packs of Opti in the truck. . Not fun.

I have been so proud of myself for staying on track. My 'cheats' have been adding fresh herbs to my broth.

We can do it. It is so close now. :)

HW: 440; Orientation Weight: 417; SW: 341;

CW : 275

RNY Surgery May 04, 2017 with Dr. Reed Guelph

on 5/1/17 5:26 am
RNY on 05/08/17

You are doing great its not fun you are no right but neither is struggling with obesity...i tell myself that every hour. We are just around the corner of the first finish line -we got this!!!Stay positive and on track i will meet you on the other side.


Mahalo F.
on 4/30/17 2:47 pm


Optifast is not for the weak!

I found my three 3 very difficult. I did it over Christmas & New Year. I still can't believe it!

Keep up the great work & do not waver.

You will look back and truly be proud of your accomplishments.

Roux En Y - Jan. 4, 2017

HW 283 SW 260 CW 165


on 5/1/17 5:43 am
RNY on 05/08/17

So my office was celebrating admin week last week...it was worse then Christmas in that office every day something new (all food... all buffet) sometimes twice a day i do not want to get into the details but if i made it through that week then i can make it through this one (3rd week on opti).

While everyone was eating I was taking very deep breaths sipping on Opti and praying the good Lord would make the time fly and although looking back he did kinda make the time fly he sent me an angel. My supervisor who organizes these elaborate and extremely yummy events went home and remembered that i could not partake in the feast and so she made me a very special broth made of veggies and turkey brought it to work so that i too can have a little something to enjoy. It was delicious I was so very grateful it touched my heart.

Thank you for your encouraging words best of luck

on 5/1/17 11:38 am
RNY on 05/04/17

It was the same in my office & we have a stove....chicken wings were baking, ribs, someone brought a breakfast casserole, etc etc,. It really made me realize how much celebrations revolve around food. I stayed in my office on the phone. Day 12 of Ensure - 2 more days to go - surgery on Thursday.

HW 350; SW- 262.3 CW- 182.8

Wt Loss M1- 22; M2 - 13.2

on 5/1/17 12:25 pm
RNY on 05/08/17

Way to go we are almost there...good luck to you wishing you a speedy recovery...i want to hear all about your experience... mine is on Monday.Looking forward to hearing from you..We got this

on 4/30/17 5:40 pm

Congratulations and well done! Almost there, girlfriend!

on 4/30/17 6:36 pm
RNY on 04/12/17

Opti was a challenge for me. I never managed 4 a day, and was lucky if I made 3. I was on it for 3 weeks and only lost 6 lbs which I found extremely discouraging. But in that three weeks I gave up pop and caffiene and wrestled with my food demons and created a lot of self-talk to keep going.

I think Opti challenges us all and prepares us for the surgery not just to reduce fat around the liver but to be ready for the reduced diet post-op.

You have done great, be proud of yourself, we are saving room for you on the losers bench!

Surgery: RNY April 12/2017 - Humber River Hospital

Current Weight: 225 lbs

on 5/1/17 5:53 am
RNY on 05/08/17

I cannot do 4 there is no way ...i am struggling with 3 will not give up caffeine or pop yet no way not while doing this...I find myself taking many baths and self talking its been a ride i will tell you that but I'm ok...I agree the opti fast phase has many many benefits.

How are you feeling now after your surgery ? if you had to tell me one thing about the surgery what would that be?

thank for responding and thanks for bench space your words are so very encouraging

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