Feeling Full and Cravings

on 4/30/17 6:05 am
RNY on 09/12/17

Thank you so much for taking the time to write your experience. I understand more now! I hope you are feeling better soon!


on 4/29/17 10:00 am

Hi Barb,

I'm 12 weeks post op and rarely feel hungry. I think the word "full" may be a problem because it can mean different things to different people. I feel full, but not in the overly full stuffed and can't move sense that I used to get before surgery. Instead, I feel satisfied, that I've had enough, and couldn't possibly eat any more when I eat my meals. To me, that is full. One bite beyond that feeling and I will have pain, so maybe the pain trained me; I don't know? I've not yet dumped, but once I think I almost dumped, on some mango slices. I ate one bite too many and had awful pain and gas and just felt wrong. No nausea or vomiting though. I haven't had mango since.

I find post op VERY different to being on just another diet. I went from being able to gulp down 8 bottles of water and almost unlimited calories/carbs/sugars per day to struggling to get in my minimums of fluid and protein. I went from trying to limit my eating to wondering how I can possibly get in more so I can reach my goals for the day.

Yes, I still have head hunger...if I drive by MacDonald's or a pizza place my brain tells me I want that. If I were to give in, which I haven't, my pouch would quickly show my brain who is boss. I simply don't have the room for that food. I know that will change when I'm further out but I'm hoping that by then my new habits will be firmly established. I'm down almost 74 Lbs since starting opti on Jan. 11th...there's NO way I could have done that on my own. I'm walking, swimming, riding my bike and have gone from a size 4X to a 1X and soon will be out of the oversizes altogether. I can't wait! I've lost 45% of my excess weight, so I'm almost at the half way point (I want to try to lose it all, or a minimum of 80% of it gone). I don't regret surgery for a second, even though I've had some issues along the way (pain, inflammation, pneumonia).

Hope that helped a bit.

Take care,


Pre-Op Visit: Jan. 10, 2017, weight 304, surgeon: Dr. David Lindsay, St. Joe's, Toronto

1st Day of (3 weeks worth of) Optifast: Jan. 11, 2017

Surgery Date: Feb. 1st, 2017


on 4/30/17 6:06 am
RNY on 09/12/17

Yes! It totally helps...thanks for your reply.


on 4/29/17 12:48 pm - Canada

Hey Barb

You are a wise woman !!!! Lol

When you are one of the many who doesnt feel fullness, or get bad or sick reactions (like me) it doesn't feel a whole lot different than any other diet I've did in the past...you are correct. It's super diligent and portioned low caloric low carb eating consistently for a very long period of time....that would get you results without surgery!!! The surgery speeds things up with the rate of loss and malabsorption...but also comes with its share of consequences.

Then if you have lost the amt you wanted over the 1st yr or so......then comes the hard work of maintenance (of which I always was horrible at ). It's all you...all your choice what habits you keep and what you put in your mouth...just like anybody else out there..no different.

I failed to REALLY UNDERSTAND that even with a yr of research pre op. You get kinda caught up in the process and the dream and the wait game. I somehow thought there was a lot more "magic" involved.

With that said....I don't regret having it for a second. I look and feel great,(knock wood ) but I'm just approaching my 2yr mark. Working hard at it EVERY DAY!!! It's very easy to fall off track....and it shows on the scale. It's a daily commitment that I pray I can to keep for the long haul !!

  SW- 260    GW- 150    CW -138    Height - 5'5      RNY- St Josephs Hamilton July 17/2015  

on 4/30/17 6:18 am
RNY on 09/12/17

You are the wise one Tracey!! LOL! Thanks so much for your words of wisdom. I really appreciate your support!


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