Food Funerals

on 4/28/17 8:50 am
RNY on 03/03/17

I am nearing the end of my wait. Surgery is less than 5 weeks away. I qualified at 40.8 BMI and with some hard work lost 10 pounds. Then I lost another 5. I felt very frustrated because I just wanted to eat healthy and loose weight and despite the assurances of my qualifying BMI, I have felt to nervous to loose more. Now, as the waiting has dragged on and continues to drag on and I am now 2.5 weeks from Opti I am sorely reminded and completely confirmed that I need this surgery more than ever. My eating and cravings are out of control! I am eating deep fried foods and chocolate in embarrassing quantities. I am eating in a way that I have never ate before! I feel so gross and can't wait to be at surgery day. I can't believe I have survived this long. It's been a rediculous wait and this last month will be killer. I am so done with this life yet know, the next two weeks will be full of bad choices and overindulgence. I am already up 6 pounds and at the rate I am going likely will be up 5 more by the start of Opti.

michelle W.
on 4/28/17 9:45 am
RNY on 06/12/17

I understand exactly where you are coming from. I'm having somewhat the same issues. Not so much eating what is "bad" for me... but just eating more than I would normally. I've gained about 5 lbs from my last weigh in...and i'm trying to get it back off before my pre op on May 23rd.

I'm 6 weeks out from my surgery right now... and I'm hoping to get through these last 4 weeks before opti without gaining any more weight...

I know alot of people have probably done it the same as we have...and I know the weight will come back off with opti and surgery.. but it's frustrating right now.

I just keep telling myself that it's going to get better.. and soon this waiting will be over and we will be on that loser's bench with the rest of them.

Keep your head up 100Buttons... it will get better... great things come to those who wait... and great things are coming for us..

Referral - March 23rd 2016 TWH Orientation - June 15 2016 Social - Sept 6 2016 Nurse - Oct 3 2016 Nut Class - Nov 14 2016 Psych - Dec 14 2016 Nut Jan 4 2017 Surgeon - Feb 24 2017 Pre-op May 23 2017 Opti start date May 29 2017 Surgery Date - June 12 2017 HW-285 CW - 154.2 Opti start weight - 261.5 SW - 256

Preop-23.5 Opti-5.5 M1-13.8 M2-14.2 M3-11 M4-9.5 M5-9.9 M6-6.8 M7-9.4 M8-5.9 M9-4.2 M10-4.6 M11-2.4

on 4/28/17 10:30 am
RNY on 05/04/17

I feel ya Sistah!

When I got my surgery date I had to postpone it because my Hubby was running the Boston Marathon for the first time and I couldn't interfere with that.

I managed to stay on track really well until we got to Boston. Eating out and knowing that I would be starting Opti when we got home allowed me to give myself 'permission' to eat as I liked. The calorie counts were on all of the menus at the big restaurants and HOLY crap! was I shocked at some of them. I made better choices but my food funeral night at the Cheesecake factory was probably 4000 calories . I had been eating 1300 since orientation.

Needless to say I gained about 5 lbs over the course of 5 days.

I'm now in my second week of Opti and have lost those 5 plus 5 more. I hope that more comes off before surgery next week. BUT in the big scheme of things are those 5 lbs going to make a difference in the 160 lbs that I still need to lose? Probably not.

Think Big Picture. Get on track and know that the changes that you need to make, need to be made.

(deactivated member)
on 4/28/17 12:11 pm
RNY on 03/26/17

My "last supper" was amazing, but disgusting now that I think about it lol. My husband and I went to the Keg for my "food funeral", I had an appetizer (baked brie with mini toast), entree(10oz filet minion with mashed potatoes and mixed veg) and dessert (Billy Minor cake), and 2 Keg size Mojhitos.

I also ate a few unhealthy snacks before my Opti. I know that I will never be able to eat like that again, and I'm ok with that. I eat now for nutrition, not for comfort.

I'm almost 5 weeks post-op and feel so good, I see a major change in my body and how better my clothes fit. Breaking up with food was the best decision I have ever made!!! I wish I did it 10 years ago (but I was too ashamed to ask my doctor because I didn't want to admit that I had a problem).

I wish you the very best with your upcoming surgery, you can do it!!

Take care, Sonja

on 4/28/17 12:41 pm

Trust me its totally normal what your experiencing. I think most binge or have lots of food funerals before they start opti. I certainly did. Don't beat yourself up! Its mourning your 'old' life and the way you can eat, because it will be different after surgery.

I've only been eating soft protein for two weeks now, and I still mentally at times, want to eat more than I'm able. So used to enjoying eating all I wanted, and now I can eat about an ounce of food right now. Its a journey, with ups and downs. Anyone who says this is the easy way out doesn't know what they are talking about. Perhaps try to do the best you can with having some good days of eating between the bad to level things out. Think carefully what you want your last couple meals to be.

Remember to give yourself a break, this is hard and a very stressful time. We all go through this. Hang in there and you'll do great.

Take care, and good luck with surgery!

Orientation April 2016 - Final approvals December 2016. Surgical Class January 23, 2017. Met with Dr. Reed February 7, 2017. Opti start date March 1, 2017. Surgery March 15, 2017 (Dr. Foute-Nelong).

HW 348 SW 316 CW 191

GW 160

on 4/28/17 2:19 pm
RNY on 03/03/17

Thanks for all of the support. Yes I guess at this point, how much more damage can I do in 2.5 weeks?! The point of trying to at least have good days inbetween is probably to most I can hope for at this point.

I have added Billy Minor Pie to my list ugh.....

on 4/29/17 11:40 am, edited 4/29/17 4:41 am

I would encourage you to stop food funerals today/right now. Why? To ensure you're as healthy as possible for general anesthesia, to get toxins out of your system, and to minimize withdrawal headaches post-surgery. It won't be easy but you're on a new path to good health and have spent way too many years eating crap food. You're worth nothing but the best with regards to food going forward! You can do this!

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