WLS and Hypothyroidism - Experiences?

on 4/27/17 3:48 pm

Hi Everyone

I was wondering if anyone here has hypothyroidism and how the WLS has been? Do you loose slower than the norm? Have you found that your synthroid levels have gone up or down? I know part of my issue that I have been tackling is overall portion control so the surgery will definitely be a great help for that but I am wondering if there will be an impacts from my hypothyroidism.

Lap Band - 07/08 (not filled long) Referral OBN 04/16, Orientation 09/16, Nutrition Workshop 4/7/17, Nurse 4/24/17, Psych 5/15/17, Dietician 5/24/17, Internist 6/13/17 Consent 7/10/17 Surgery 9/29/2017

HW 4/17: 267 Opti Start 9/16/17: 254 Surgery 9/29: 240.8 M1:-18 M2:-14 M3:-9 M4:-5 M5:-6

on 4/28/17 5:35 am
RNY on 11/14/16

I don't think it's a huge issue. I attribute my relatively slow rate of loss (75 lbs in 5 months) in part to my thyrodectomy in 2012 on the theory that my metabolism is just messed up. I am adhering religiously to plan and am always below 750 calories and 30 grams of carbs so would have expected to lose more. My endo has said she will reduce my levothyroxine in due course because dosage is based on weight so we'll see how that goes. But no more diabetes so definitely a health win overall and I'm very grateful for the surgery.

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