Happy Easter, I made it home, a little overwhelmed and still in pain!

on 4/15/17 4:14 am
RNY on 04/12/17

I only got home late night and still struggling with gas pain and swollen stomach.

I never realized how hard it would be to sleep in my own bed, I kind of liked the controls and handles on the hospital bed to help me stand up alone.

Do we start all these vitamin supplements straight away upon getting home?

I am trying to work out a schedule for all these, but seems overwhelming on pain med brain.

looking forward to enjoying this tool but I am right now a little weepy at my limitations - who knew passing gas and getting in and out of chairs or bed would be the sole focus of our lives when we started this.

feeling a little overwhelmed this morning, needed to vent and a pick myself up but feeling sorry for myself when it is too hard to simply bend down to get underwear out of the bottom drawer - I obviously did not prepare well enough - going commando today!

Surgery: RNY April 12/2017 - Humber River Hospital

Current Weight: 225 lbs

on 4/15/17 5:34 am

Happy easter! Guelph advised me to start my vitamins as soon as i got home. I agree the scheduling can be very overwhelming. What i did was set alarms in my phone so i knew when to take them. Remember to check the doses of vit d and calcium so you know how many times you need to take it. After a while it becomes habit. Once you start waiting to drink before and after a meal it gets tricky again but you get the swing of it

i would take my multis with my breakfast - including my colace prevacid and b 12. Breakfast was always done before 8am. At 12 i would take calcium and vit d i would do it again at 230 then 530. Not sure if that helps!!

TWH: Referral May 2015 --> Orientation November 2015 --> Surgeon at TWH Nov 2016 --> Transferred to Guelph --> Surgeon Appt Dec 1 2016 --> Opti Start Dec 8 2016 --> Surgery Dec 22 2016 HW: 331 SW:302 GW: 170

on 4/15/17 8:09 am
RNY on 09/01/17

Welcome home!!!

on 4/15/17 11:20 am

Happy to hear that you made it home. Hope with each day that you get stronger and less pain.

i started my vitamins on day 1 post surgery. I decided to go with the Celebrate brand and chew two of them, twice a day. Got the orange pineapple and they are okay. Nice not having to take a few different vitamins.

Meet the surgeon March 2nd, 2017 (Dr. Kolozsvari - Ottawa)

Start Optifast: March 22, 2017

Surgery date: April 12, 2017 (Dr. Kolozsvari)

The Ottawa Hospital

HW: 310

SW (Optifast): 304

Surgery weight: 294

on 4/15/17 3:08 pm

Glad to hear that u r home now! Take one day at a time and everything very slowly until u know how your body reacts to everything u do! I found the gas was the worse part of the surgery, but when that slows down it gets way better( but it definitely does take a while). Best of luck and to a fast recovery!

Orientation Feb, 1,2016

Meet Dr.Bohjani Jan.18,2017- 286lbs

Started optifast Jan.26,2017

Surgery date Feb,13,2017- 268lbs

on 4/15/17 4:22 pm - Canada

I had a total meltdown when I got home. I was scared and had no idea what to do even after reading for a year and asking every question under the sun.. Each day gets easier.....without underwear maybe even easier !!! Lol

It's all about learning and you will soon figure out what works and doesn't work for you.

Keep walking, it's the best way to get the gas out!!!

Take care

  SW- 260    GW- 150    CW -138    Height - 5'5      RNY- St Josephs Hamilton July 17/2015  

on 4/16/17 4:35 pm

I was told to start my vitamins when I got home . I also set the alarm on my phone to take my vitamins and still do.

You've just had surgery and no two ways about it, it's overwhelming.

These are some things that helped me.

I took turns between my bed and a chair, sleeping sitting up propped by many pillows for the first little bit.

Go to a mobility store ( or get someone else to) and buy what I call a reach-ie thing which is just a long handled grabber. ( not too expensive) It can help you with things on the floor or up high. ( like underwear)

If you got a book of information from your hospital ( I was at TWH) then read the information on this stage over and over , knowledge will make you feel more in control. As your brain clears, start to plan the days food even if it's very simple foods. Track you food and water .In the beginning, I did it on paper it focused my brain and it's just good practice. Keeping your brain busy will help. Again it makes you feel in control.

If you can make yourself move in the next few days, that will work out the gas. It won't be fun but it will help.

It will get better very quickly and soon you won't remember this part of the journey.

You're doing well it's only the beginning and each day will improve.

Surgery: 9/2/16 H.W. 340 S.W.254 C W 208

on 4/17/17 1:01 am

Sorry to hear you are struggling, but I get it. The gas pains were brutal for me. Took about a week or so for those to go away.

Luckily, I have a husband who picked up things for me that were low to the ground. Its very difficult this early out, but it does get better.

I felt very overwhelmed when I got home the first few days. It's totally normal, you just had major surgery, and I believe as much as we are prepared to do this, nothing can really preprare you for what it will be like after surgery. Takes time to adjust. I'm still adjusting at just over 4 weeks post op, but like I said it does get better.

My surgery was in Guelph, but I go through Windsor. I thought I was told to start mutl vitamins when I got home, and I did that. But at my three week follow up, I was told by the doctor I was suppose to wait til this appointment, even though Guelph will tell you start after you get home ( I seriously do not remember that instruction). Has something to do with affecting your urine colour so trying to determine if your dehydrated or not.

I'd follow your clinic's instruction on that.

I hope things get better, and just take it day by day.

Good luck and take care.

Orientation April 2016 - Final approvals December 2016. Surgical Class January 23, 2017. Met with Dr. Reed February 7, 2017. Opti start date March 1, 2017. Surgery March 15, 2017 (Dr. Foute-Nelong).

HW 348 SW 316 CW 191

GW 160

on 4/17/17 8:27 pm

Welcome home and hope you are feeling better. I also had my surgery in Guelph. I couldn't remember when to start the vitamins although I think it was supposed to be when I started tolerating full fluids. I can tell you that I absolutely had to start taking vitamins by week 2 as my energy levels were extremely low. Even then I probably waited too long. They made a huge difference.

Take it easy and walk as much as you can. I started with laps around the dining table LOL.

Take care.

Kath L
on 4/19/17 7:54 am

I haven't been through this yet but with anything, time doesn't stand still and you will improve with each day. Sounds like you should start the vitamins and get moving/walking. It will get better. From comments I have read on this forum, everyone is happy they went through the surgery ... so think of the end result.

As for the medications/vitamins or whatever you need to take ... write it down. My daughter had her wisdom teeth out and I made a list in order of time, what she needed to take and as she did, I checked it off. It saves thinking. Or just write down when you take something, so when you go to take it the next time, you know when you last took it. Keep a pencil and the paper by the pill bottles.

You can do this! I'm jealous of you having had the surgery already.

Take care.


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