6 week update - Confused? Disappointed?

on 4/3/17 2:38 pm
RNY on 02/16/17

Hi forum,

It's been a while... 6 weeks and a bit!

My RNY recovery has been amazing - I have no pain, been able to tolerate everything, no dumping, no complaints about that!

I recently did my first blood test for RNY follow up - my A1C for DM type II is now 5.6 (down from a 'low' of 6.9 pre-surgery) and my fasting glucose is 4.7 (in the non-diabetic range)!!! I've also been able to come off 3 medications for diabetes and high blood pressure.

I find the hardest part to be mental... I know the surgery is a tool. I am tracking all food and fluid, making protein-first healthy choices. I have re-started swimming and working on strength training with a personal trainer. These are all great things that make me feel good and healthy.

*However*.... I find it very hard not to be discouraged by the scale. I have lost 23lbs since my pre-op appointment, which was 2 days before my surgery on Feb. 16th. I had my first stall at week 3 post-op, which lasted a week. I lost 8 pounds since then (over the past two weeks). This is good progress, but it's bit discouraging to see others with HUGE weight loss numbers. I know that everyone has their own pace, every body is different, and we are all at different starting points... My brain knows this, but I can't help but worry about my own progress.

I should be very happy with the progress I've made but I find myself wondering... 'is this all I'm going to lose? Did I do all this for 20lbs?'.

For reference... I am 5'11 tall and had a starting weight of 307lbs. I got down to 292lbs after three weeks of Optifast. I am currently 269. My 'healthy' weight is 180lbs. The surgeon figured that I could comfortably get down to 220-200 through RNY, but I really get discouraged thinking that maybe I'm just not one of the success stories.

Please knock some sense into me!

2015: Jan. 16, Info session - Apr. 20, Initial Assessment - Jun. 4, Abdominal ultrasound - Jun. 26, Endoscopy - Aug. 4, Dietitian and Behaviourist - Aug. 23, Endoscopy #2 2016: Jul. 11, Pre-surgery 1 class - Oct. 24, Second Assessment - Dec. 7, Dietitian and Behaviourist 2017: Jan. 10, Pre-surgery 2 class - Jan. 17, Meet the surgeon - Jan. 28, Start Opti - Feb 16, Surgery! (Dr. Neville, Ottawa Civic)

5'11 -- HW: 318 (sz 24/3x ; BMI 44.4), Start Opti: 307 (sz 22/2x; BMI 42.8), Pre-RNY: 292

Since Opti: -81, Since RNY: -66

M1 -14 (sz 22/2x; BMI 38.8), M2 -14 (sz 20/XXL; BMI 36.8), M3 -12 (sz 18-20/XXL; BMI 35.1), M4 -11 (sz 18/XXL-XL; BMI 33.3), M5 -9 (sz 18/XL; BMI 32.5), M6 -6 (sz 16/L-XL; BMI 31.5)

on 4/3/17 3:08 pm - Canada

You are correct...,we do all go at our own pace. You just have to keep following the rules....then most importantly trust the process.

Get in your protein and water, 3 meals and 2 Snacks worked well for me . You sound like you are doing well, be patient and it will come (sometimes not as quick as we would like) but it will!!!!

  SW- 260    GW- 150    CW -138    Height - 5'5      RNY- St Josephs Hamilton July 17/2015  

on 4/3/17 3:52 pm - Canada

IMO Slow and steady is healthier. But everyone loses at their own pace. From what I have noticed if you have less to lose you lose slower.

I didn't lose fast of the bat. I am 4 months out and almost 70 pounds down, which is half way to my goal. I have had stalls. But I got smaller during those stalls!

Referral TWH: Sept 2015 Orientation: Nov 2015 Social Worker: Jan 2016 Nurse practitioner: Feb 2016 Nutrition (group): Mar 2016 Nutritionist: May 2016 Psych: May 2016 Meeting with Surgeon: July 2016 Surgery!: Nov 2016

So far 80 pounds lost!

on 4/3/17 4:06 pm - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 04/11/16

If you haven't already take your measurements. Even though the scale may not show it your measurements will show your progress!

dont get discouraged. It will happen if you're playing by the rules!

Over 100 lbs lost! and 13 lbs below goal weight!

on 4/3/17 4:45 pm
RNY on 03/03/17

You have lost 38 pounds in 9 weeks no? That is fast weight loss! Even for your starting weight. I don't really see people lose much faster than this. Just hang in there.

on 4/3/17 5:55 pm

I agree. This is phenomenal progress.

RNY March 1, 2017 with Dr. Reed.

on 4/3/17 5:54 pm

Wow! What are you talking about? you're doing great! I dropped 20 pounds the first 2 weeks of surgery...and it took the rest of the month to get to 25...I have no idea what month two looks like...but I feel like the BIG BANG of the surgery was the high and it's gone. But all in all i'm not disappointed. This is a long race...keep doing what you should be doing and i agree with everyone else - got to trust the process.

Keep your chin up, you're doing GREAT! and your weight loss is NOTHING TO BELITTLE. IT's faster than you think. Its just that when it comes to our OWN weight. we ALWAYS think we're slow. don't fall into the mind game. Stay the course!!

RNY March 1, 2017 with Dr. Reed.

Mahalo F.
on 4/3/17 6:00 pm

You are doing great!

Make sure you are taking all your vitamins!

Make sure you are drinking 2 litres of water daily.

Make sure you are getting all your protein in... At least 100-120 gms

With the exception of Gerber baby Oatmeal, I chose to stay away from pasta, rice, breads & potatoes. My dietician doesn't like it but I am okay with it. Getting my carbs from vegetables & fruit... I will reintroduce them when I reach ONE DERLAND...

Increase your activity... Lots of walking...

Keep doing what you are doing! Don't get to caught up with what everyone else is doing... We are all very different....

Believe in yourself and relax... That weight will melt off and you are going to look back and say, YES it was worth it!

Keep coming back here

Take care


Roux En Y - Jan. 4, 2017

HW 283 SW 260 CW 165


on 4/4/17 3:08 pm

Wow, Sandra, do you get in 100-120 grams of protein per day? My plan has me at 60-80 grams per day, and said 60 is fine until food for life, but then to aim for 70-80.

Pre-Op Visit: Jan. 10, 2017, weight 304, surgeon: Dr. David Lindsay, St. Joe's, Toronto

1st Day of (3 weeks worth of) Optifast: Jan. 11, 2017

Surgery Date: Feb. 1st, 2017


Mahalo F.
on 4/5/17 6:46 am, edited 4/4/17 11:48 pm

Yes Kathy...

Protein is key for me...

I take one Costco Premiere Protein shake in the morning & in the evening.... 60 grams It is easy & ready to go!

I get the rest with food....

eggs - 26 grams

yogurt- 18 grams

Cheese- 10 grams

Almonds -5 grams

Rustic Lentil soup- 7 grams

I find that I need to be careful as the calories add up. My dietician was happy with choices and I switch it up every day... My dietician was worried that I may be a grazer but I assured her that I purposefully space the food to accommodate small portions and getting fluids in....

Yesterday I had Rio tuna in olive oil with diced peppers, cucumber, tomato, green onions & avocado... 1/4 of a cup.

I am at a bit of a stahl right now... Not as active here in Ottawa and battling an infection...

I am going to start working out again next week.

Darn this is hard work!

Going for my 12 week bloodwork tomorrow and follow up with the nurse practitioner Monday. I am hoping it is okay. Finding that I am sluggish since getting back from Florida. Probably because I am battling an infection.

I finished my chewable vitamins and I am finding it hard to space the Calcium Citrate (5) throughout the day. My pouch seems a bit unhappy with them!

How are you doing? Congratulations with the weight loss!

Take care



Roux En Y - Jan. 4, 2017

HW 283 SW 260 CW 165


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