What are you eating/doing Thursday?

on 3/30/17 7:06 am - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 04/11/16

More like a 1 egg cheese omelette....scramble the egg, let it cook on one side flip it over, put the cheese in and fold it over! I turn the burner off when I flip it cause its so thin there is enough heat to cook the other side. Simple but a staple for breakfast lately.

on 3/30/17 7:01 am - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

Good morning everyone. Busy week coming back to work. Tried to enter my food in my fitnesspal but it crashed so will do it later when I have time. Out to dinner tonight then a play. DH has picked Gingers. Menu does not look very dietary but will eat what I can. I have lost a little of what I gained and would like to keep losing some more.

b greek yogurt, applesauce

s 1/2 simply bar

l pea/lentil/ham soup, yogurt

s 1/2 simply bar, cheese string

d ?





on 3/30/17 7:28 am - Canada

Morning, working the afternoon shift so this morning doing laundry and getting rid of more clothes. The scale hasn't been really moving the pass few months trying to stay motivated and keep going not giving in like I usually do, so I thought I would buy pair of pants that's size smaller to motivate me, went to Walmart just got home all excited to see where the pants will stop I was thinking at my hips or thighs but no the damn pants fit wtf there goes my idea thrown out the window I am kind of disappointed my motivation out the door but on the other hand WTF size 12 when last year this time I was in size 28 and couldn't do up the button.. my motivation is crashed this morning but happy that it fits.. even tho I am not losing I am losing inches the last few months.

break eggs with steel cut oats

snack protein shake

lunch salad with chicken

snack cheese with Apple sauce

dinner same as lunch

snack cottage cheese

have a great day everyone

Referral received at hrrh Nov6/14, orientation March23/15, surgery April 11/16

on 3/30/17 8:01 am - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 04/11/16

I hear ya girl! When do you go for your 1 year follow-up? I'm next Thursday.

Its so important to take your measurements because as you may have read my scale is not moving either. But I continue to work out and exercise and keep on going. There's so much more to focus on other than the scale, and yes I know how easy that is to say yet so hard to implement.

Right now I'm trying to convince myself to go for my run at lunch. Its just such a miserable wet day that I don't want to go out....yet I feel guilty if I don't. WTH, who am I? I've ran M, **** lunch and was at the gym on M and W after work this week.....what do I have to feel guilty about?

on 3/30/17 8:42 am - Canada

My 1 year with surgeon is on April 11, with clinic it's April 18.. I am kind of scared to see the surgeon because I have not lost the weight he said I could loss in year :( I am struggling tried everything but the reset the diet told me not to do it when I saw her in January she said it's just another deit and I don't want to fall back into yoyo dieting like before. But I think I am stalled and losing slow because I can't get my calories up, I am fine with soft foods but the dense foods I can only do ounces m after that my pouch is telling me no more even if I wait try again. Last night I tried smoked salmon weight out 3 ounces could only do ounce felt like I just went to buffet restaurant it's the same with chicken, eggs, roast, tuna. I am not complaining about being restricted I love it but I really thought I would of lost more then what I have oh well giving myself this year to lose what I can hopefully 20-30 lbs. I really enjoy hiking over the gym. Ginny don't give up we will win this battle with the scale specially once the warmer weather is here. We are just too hard on ourselves but I am disappointed with not getting to surgeon goal. I was losing so good until I ran into complications in November miss losing 10-15 lbs per month..

Referral received at hrrh Nov6/14, orientation March23/15, surgery April 11/16

on 3/30/17 9:23 am - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 04/11/16

Oh, I had my surgery at TWH so I don't get to see the surgeon, only the Dr. at the Clinic. Mine is Dr. Neculau. At my 3 month and 6 month follow up they had already declared me a success. (I would classify myself as a work in progress) and she also said not to go below 180. I plan on letting the Dieticians information go in one ear and out the other. I wish I could be satisfied on less food, other posters say I'm taking in to many calories I think we just need to figure out through trial and error what will work for us as individuals. I listen to what has worked for others and try to incorporate that into my daily menus so see if it will work for me too!

on 3/30/17 9:23 am - GTA, Ontario, Canada
RNY on 11/15/13

Hi Ginny!

I totally get you on the thought it was Friday! And we have snow/wet snow/freezing rain/rain in the forecast for the next 24 hours, what the heck! I live in the North West end of the GTA by Caledon and we get all the crap weather!

You know when I first started running I had a lot of pain in my knees, on the outside of my kneecap area, good old Google told me in fact its not my knee its my hips (I sit at work, sit on the GO train) and I found really good exercises to strengthen my hips and the pain went away in my knee after a couple of weeks. If you google "Runner's Knee" and for me it was "patellofemoral pain, or PFP or called IT band (illotibial band syndrome), basically weak hips. Not sure if this is you or not but wanted to share what happened to me. When I was MO I always wanted to be a runner, it was a dream/goal of mine, now I am like Forest Gump and just keep running, I love it! LOL

Bummer on your yogurt & berries in the trash! UGH! But ya for deli meat back up! That is one of my fav snacks, deli turkey with swiss cheese and honey mustard, YUM!

I think your menu looks great! I just wanted to point out so you don't stress that meat & cheese are higher in calories but excellent protein so you be rest assured that you are doing it right! But if I was to tweak your menu, I would drop the strawberries, I know they are yummy! but eat 3oz or 4 oz of chicken breast. Up the turkey sausage with lunch and less salad. I know for sure when I do AMAW and I am eating just meat my calories are in fact higher than when I eat meat, veggies & cheese, yet I lose weight on AMAW with higher calories, go figure. Its the "magic" of dense protein. I can only eat 4 - 4.5 oz of chicken breast and be full but I can eat 2.5 - 3oz of chicken breast and 1/2 cup of veggies easy. Its weird!

Do you go to the bathroom okay? I HAVE to use Restoralax daily otherwise its a no go. Do you get all your liquids in okay? I average anywhere from 96 - 112 oz of liquids (usually in the form of coffee ) daily.

You ARE doing all the right things, you need to give it a couple of days of clean eating to get the scale to move. I KNOW you can do this, look how far you have come girl! YOU GOT THIS!!!

Keep up the awesome work!

Daisy 5'5" HW: 290 SW: 254 CW: 120

Nov 15, 2013: RNY - Toronto Western Hospital, Nov 2, 2017: Gallbladder removal & hernia repair

Sept 7, 2023: three +1 hernia's repaired in bowel

10+ years post op, living & loving life!

on 3/30/17 9:36 am - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 04/11/16

Hi Daisy, I live between London and Toronto (closer to London), it's a terrible miserable day today.

I think my knee pain was the result of wicked workout at the gym last night, lots of squats, jump squats, and walking lunges! People say I'll eventually get the runner's mentality but I'm not so sure!

I do use Restoralax everyday, and take Colace when I think about it, but no, I don't go the bathroom everyday. Actually, I went on Monday and not since and took 2 Dulcolax last night and still no go. I drink about 3 litres of water a day and two coffees.

I'll try to do AMAW just to get the scale moving. Veggies aren't a real issue for me nor is fruit, I can do without both of those but I love my yogurt and cheese....modifications will be in the future.

Have a good day, despite this weather, spring is around the corner!

on 3/30/17 11:53 am - GTA, Ontario, Canada
RNY on 11/15/13

i love the Guelph, Kitchener-Waterloo area, my sister went to Laurier for school and I loved going and visiting her there!

Wow that is an intense workout! No wonder you are sore! Sounds exactly like a Boot Camp class I go to, I can't sit down for days after I do those classes, all the squats & lunges! Good for you!

Weird you take restorlax daily but don't go daily... you certainly get tons of liquids, what a mystery!

I don't love yogurt, I can take it or leave it, but I have a love affair with cheese. I am addicted to Babybel. I love the taste and the portability. Are you eating the Skyr yogurt? I have some of the vanilla in my fridge, its tasty. I have often added in some chocolate protein powder from the Bulk Barn into that yogurt to up the protein a tad. As for cheese, yes eat cheese! Its good protein and good fat to help with our dry skin/hair and help with the bathroom, enjoy your cheese!

You are doing all the right things, you WILL see the scale move. I know this is easy for me to say but be patient a few more days!!!

on 3/30/17 11:33 am

Good afternoon lovely menu peeps. Ginny you are doing so great with running. I am so impressed.

Today I had lots to get done this morning then I went out for lunch with a friend. More chores around the house for the rest of the day.

The eats today at 2.5 years post-op are:

Lots of decaf

Salad with steak on top and blue cheese crumbles

Turkey slices with SF cranberry, gravy, mushrooms, mashed cauliflower, roasted peppers. It will mostly be turkey and a spoonful of each of the others things. Like you Ginny, I'm trying to use up things in the freezer.

SKYR yogurt with all the fixin's

Have a great day everyone.

CENTURY CLUB MEMBER at 6 months post-op.

Referral to Guelph Feb/13, Sleep study and all bloodwork and ultrasound May/13, orientation July/13. Nurse, NUT,SW Sept/13, 2nd NUT, nurse and SW, 3rd round and cleared for surgery Dec/13. Pre-op Apr 7/14, Surgeon May 2/14, Opti Jul 3/14, surgery Jul 17/14.

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