What are you eating/doing Thursday?

on 3/30/17 4:10 am - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 04/11/16

Post Op 11-1/2 months

Good morning everyone. When I first woke up this morning I thought thank goodness its Friday!! What a disappointment to realize I was wrong! Had a great workout with the trainer last night, she exhausted me and then some. My knees are a little sore today, so I will do my run at lunch and then take a break from the gym tonight. Today's run will finish week 4 for me. Week 5 looks daunting! Running for 8 mins at a time? YIKES!

Yesterday I ended up dumping my morning snack in the garbage It was strawberries and yogurt but there was a little water/juice in the bottom so I tried to strain it and the whole thing slid in the trash....good thing I always keep deli meat in the fridge at work but all I could smell sitting at my desk was yummy strawberries....5 second rule ???? I think not!

Anyway, I'm trying to keep the calories down, but I'm also wanting to use the food I have on hand so it doesn't go to waste:

B - 2 oz inside round roast, 1 egg, 1 cheese slice (don't really enjoy an egg without my cheese)

S - 3 oz strawberries, 2 oz grilled chicken breast (left overs)

L - 1 Hayter's turkey sausage, tomato/cuke/feta salad with Mediteranean Greek dressing (all things weighed and logged)

S - 4 slices deli turkey with mustard

D - small Caesar salad, 30 gr bacon, 1 tbsp. dressing

Cal - 987, carbs 42, Protein 85 (a little lower than I like to see)

Have a good day!

Over 100 lbs lost! and 13 lbs below goal weight!

on 3/30/17 5:08 am

Good morning

Initially after surgery you don't realize how awful you feel due to low protein intake, you just assume you feel awful due to major surgery, since resorting back to a mostly liquid diet I wasn't hitting my protein intake and I could really feel it in my body, I felt sore and weak and struggled to just function in general. Yesterday I made a point to reach my goal through food as much as possible and with the help of yogurt and cottage cheese as well as introducing tuna again I managed to hit my goal. Though not 100% today I feel much better then I have the last few days. With that said I'm starting over, switched to purée type foods and have been more aware to chew extra slow and wait longer before taking the next bite. I wasn't eating fast before but maybe I need to go a bit slower to avoid that awful feeling of being extremely full on only a couple of bites.

There was a fire at my favorite walking spot last night and I have yet to determine if it will be open to the public or even safe so I will have to find a new place to walk today. I'll be leaving for a girls only weekend getaway bright and early tomorrow, Inplan on packing most of my food and hoping to only have to eat out twice, and that's just because I'm meeting people for dinner while I'm in Toronto.

My eats today

b - SKYR yogurt

s - cottage cheese

l - tuna salad

s - sugar free pudding with protein powder

d - more tuna or cottage cheese

s - premier protein top top up my protein

I know it's only Thirsday but I'm going to wish everyone a happy weekend, I won't be bac****il Monday.

Take care everyone

on 3/30/17 6:16 am

Great plan re protein and back to puree until ready! Have a fun weekend






on 3/30/17 5:41 am - Canada

Good morning :)

I have nothing planned today. Nothing. It's glorious.

I might go get some groceries. I might have a nap. Who knows ;) lol.

Breakfast - protein shake

Snack - carrots and pb

Lunch - cheese, pepperette

Snack - sausage, yogurt

Dinner - tbd

Snack - pudding

All water and vits.

on 3/30/17 6:20 am

Ya know Meg, I just keep thinking about your carrots and PB. They just don't sound right to me, however I know most of us have some really different PB and ______ combos. Lol

I love a PB and lettuce sammy. Must be iceberg lettuce






on 3/30/17 6:32 am - Canada

It's weird, I know. They have to be the right carrots too... Some are too bland or bitter. I find the peanut butter brings out the sweetness in the carrots. I like peanut butter and apples... But I can't eat a whole apple these days so I rarely buy them.

on 3/30/17 7:04 am - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 04/11/16

Birdie I LOVE PB and lettuce samiches! and agree on the iceburg lettuce. Maybe I'll try that as a snack, just PB and lettuce roll ups. Watch for that on my menu in the coming days.....

on 3/30/17 8:56 am

Might be ok if the PB is very thinly spread. Otherwise it would overwhelm the lettuce. Just be aware though, I would consider this a slider food






on 3/30/17 9:16 am - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 04/11/16

Definitely not too thick, I don't like a thick glob of peanut butter. I would use this a complement to another more dense snack not as a meal.

on 3/30/17 6:14 am

Your menu looks delicious today, especially lunch. Now I'm thinking of feta.

Do you just put the cheese slice over a fried egg and let it get all melty?






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