What are you eating/doing Wednesday?

on 3/29/17 4:01 am - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 04/11/16

Post Op RNY 11-1/2 mos

Good morning Menu Mates! Why is that I wake up early and then just nicely drift back to sleep right before the alarm goes off? Tired today. Running at lunch and have a session with personal trainer. She'll assess my progress over the last couple of months and modify my workout routine for the next couple of months. Actually looking forward to it, sort of!

A little higher (again) on the calories today but protein is high too so maybe that makes up for it!? So many different opinions every day and I appreciate them all, but sometimes I just get so confused.

B - 3 oz leftover steak with 1 egg (was going to leave out the egg and may yet if the steak fills me, but usually there is room down there)

S - 87 gr skyr yogurt with 3 oz fresh strawberries

L - 3 Farmboy carmelized onion/swiss meatballs

S - 4 slices deli turkey with mustard

D - shepperds pie (4 oz ground beef, 2 oz mashed taters) 2 tbsp. gravy

Total Cal 975, carbs 42, Protein 101

Happy Hump Day, all down hill here from noon on!

Over 100 lbs lost! and 13 lbs below goal weight!

on 3/29/17 5:06 am - Canada

Good morning :)

Ginny, I'm jealous of your dedication to working out. It is very difficult to get and stay motivated. I'm hoping with the nicer weather I can get out with the dogs more.

Paint night last night was so fun!! We had a relatively small group, so we had lots of space to work. And the instructor was very nice.

Today I have to go to school to observe and evaluate a simulation. I do this every year and it is a fun exercise. I just wi**** wasn't at 7pm this year. I'd rather be at home with the puppies and watching tv lol.

Breakfast - egg, yogurt

Snack - carrots and pb

Lunch - chicken, chili

Snack - sausage

Dinner - turkey, pickles

Snack - pudding

All water and vits.

on 3/29/17 5:47 am - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 04/11/16

It's not always easy Meg. Especially the run at lunch time because I'm usually doing it by myself, I don't know what happened to the rest of the group. My girlfriend is sick this week so she hasn't been at the gym with me either. I've got that routine down pat now though, so I'm not so intimidated going by myself. Tonight the session with the trainer is a little longer than my initial 3. I think I may suffer tomorrow as she'll likely increase my weights and add a few more exercises but I guess that's progress right?

The scale has been creeping down this week, slowly. I contribute that more to the running than the strength training, but I know it takes both. People tell me if you do it long enough it just becomes part of your routine, not something you feel like you have to do or dread. I'm still waiting for that to happen.

Over 100 lbs lost! and 13 lbs below goal weight!

on 3/29/17 5:33 am

Good morning

I'm tired today too! I've got to clean and pack as I'm going away for the weekend with the girls, my first ever girls weekend get away, just heading into Toronto, doing some shopping and going to see The BodyGuard. We have mani/pedis booked and I'm going to have Dinner with my surgery buddy and a lunch with my brothers while I'm there.

Taking it easy with the food still today,

B - 1/4 cup yogurt (going to try)

s - premier protein

l - broth

s - premier protein

d - brothe

s - baby food blueberries (going to try)

Have a good day everyone

on 3/29/17 6:21 am

Good morning everyone. Ginny those meatballs sound so yummy. Meg I've always wanted to do a paint night, they sound like fun. Cinderz your Girls Gone Mild weekend sounds amazing.

I did not want to get out of bed this morning. Was enjoying the warm bed, and nothing was hurting and I had to talk myself into moving my butt, lol. Why is it that we can have trouble falling asleep, but then in the morning we are comfortable and could stay asleep?

This morning I'm going to yoga and then the gym this evening. Lots of errands and paperwork in between.

The eats today at 2.5 years post-op are:

Leftover steak with an egg (yup Ginny great minds think alike)

Salad with shrimp

Salad with chicken, or chicken and gravy and a small side salad - Will see how tired I am when I get home from the gym. It might end up being a SKYR yogurt.

Enjoy the rest of your hump day everyone.

CENTURY CLUB MEMBER at 6 months post-op.

Referral to Guelph Feb/13, Sleep study and all bloodwork and ultrasound May/13, orientation July/13. Nurse, NUT,SW Sept/13, 2nd NUT, nurse and SW, 3rd round and cleared for surgery Dec/13. Pre-op Apr 7/14, Surgeon May 2/14, Opti Jul 3/14, surgery Jul 17/14.

on 3/29/17 6:42 am

RNY 7 Years 11 months Post Op


Not sure on my eats today. Finally made it back south so more activity in the future.

Here's my plan but subject to change

B - Goodfoods chicken salad cup

S - Dannon light and fit

L - more chicken salad

D - 1 cold beer

Likely chicken and veg, maybe a salad

All water and vits

Have a great one






on 3/29/17 6:53 am - Canada
RNY on 02/02/15

Another crazy day in my little world! I have about 8.5 pages of essay to finish by friday - it's due at 1pm!. Then I have my scenario testing at 2pm and need to get my butt study for that, i'm nervous. I also have to go and put my grandma's tv on the wall since she moved rooms on monday and I have the cable being transferred rooms today... and they kind of need the tv operational to install it. I'm not sure how it didn't fall before seeing as there was only 1 washer and the screws can fit right through the holes on the bracket. Scary!

I'm also supposed to take my dogs and go for a walk with a friend, this I'm looking forward to.... if she doesn't flake on me. Lol. She has a habit of doin that. But I also need to really work on this essay. So... since the cable is coming at 12, and I have to go buy washers because my pain in the butt other halfs work bench is an incredible mess and piled high with junk I cannot find the ones he claims are there. Men... lol. That said it's already 9:45 and I worry about getting into that essay groove and having to stop in an hour.

I've also decided that these 10ish lbs NEED TO GO! So, motivation and work time it is. I call it going back to basics and that's the plan.... after today I guess since I've had soup for breakfast. I'll make good choices the rest of the day. I also have a little chocolate milk I've been adding a couple maybe tablespoons to regular milk just for the flavour. It's weird how our tastes change, i don't care for full strength anymore.

So, here's the plan for today... It's still hard to believe it's been over 2 years! But I looked better last summer. so... Buybye extra weight and after monday it's mostly exams so my stress level will go down. Exams I can study for - essays are a whole different nightmare.

Breakfast - Leftover ham and lentil soup, probably about 3/4 cup. I didn't measure.

Lunch - I'm debating on this one, I have to visit grandma so I'm thinking of adding some protein powder to an iced coffee and maybe taking something else with me. problem is I don't have much to take. I've discovered the GNC lean vanilla powder isn't to horrible and I can actually tolerate it without being sick!

Dinner - Peas and one of those prepackaged slouvaki skewers. easy and quick since if I go for the walk is late afternoon.

Snack - likely something between lunch and dinner since Dinner will likely be later and lunch isn't much. Maybe and apple. or an apple with cinnamon and oats, kind of a little apple crisp thing, and usually I don't eat the whole thing it's very filling.

Menu isn't great... I need to go grocery shopping, but I'm waiting to see what's on sale at the end of the week. Hoping for chicken!

on 3/29/17 1:15 pm

Nikki your day is crazy busy. I can never find anything on my husband's workbench.

CENTURY CLUB MEMBER at 6 months post-op.

Referral to Guelph Feb/13, Sleep study and all bloodwork and ultrasound May/13, orientation July/13. Nurse, NUT,SW Sept/13, 2nd NUT, nurse and SW, 3rd round and cleared for surgery Dec/13. Pre-op Apr 7/14, Surgeon May 2/14, Opti Jul 3/14, surgery Jul 17/14.

on 3/29/17 7:50 am

marketing event tonight and there are food stations but I am going to pass them all by and have a plan to leave early and eat in my car on my way to a late night board meeting.....

breakfast: turkey sausage - only ate half of the serving - hurt my tummy

snack: 3 grossini bread sticks (30 cals), 1/2 cup greek yogurt, 1/2 tbsp. no sugar added jam and a cap of restoralax (not that its working - argh)

lunch: 1/2 cup chicken tiki masala (made from bariatric cookbook - love it)

snack: 2 triangles laughing cow cheese with 4 mini round melba, 40 cal low sugar popcycle (sugar is 6 grms)

dinner: 3 mini turkey meatballs (cold, eating in the car leaving one marketing event and heading to a board meeting)

snack: pudding cup

exercise - I am not getting any exercise in which needs to increase. Scale has stalled for a week and my bowels are not moving at all.

referral: early June 2016; surgery Feb 21, 2017

on 3/29/17 1:20 pm

Leeann that is why I add all the fixin's to my SKYR yogurt, just to keep me regular. You are too early out to have the chia seeds and such, but you could add prunes chopped small and added to your Greek Yogurt, and then let it sit overnight in the fridge. The prunes sweeten the yogurt so you probably won't need the SF jam. Are you also taking stool softeners?

CENTURY CLUB MEMBER at 6 months post-op.

Referral to Guelph Feb/13, Sleep study and all bloodwork and ultrasound May/13, orientation July/13. Nurse, NUT,SW Sept/13, 2nd NUT, nurse and SW, 3rd round and cleared for surgery Dec/13. Pre-op Apr 7/14, Surgeon May 2/14, Opti Jul 3/14, surgery Jul 17/14.

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