Anyone experience 2nd thoughts?

Mahalo F.
on 3/28/17 7:30 am

Good morning!

I told only my siblings & (8) of my best friends.

Quite honestly most were supportive... (2) were terrified about the surgical aspect. One was very negative... Trying to talk me out of it...

You will get comments like- You are taking the easy way out! Try and lose weight on your own! There are so many complications! I know someone who had weight loss surgery and packed it all back on!


First there is nothing easy about this journey! There is hard work and commitment. You will have to use this tool and begin a massive life style change.

You will have to give up alcohol, carbonated beverages, caffeine, NSAIDS & all that junk food that made us obese! Track everything you eat! Be deligent and follow the rules! Maintain your vitamins, protein and water intake..

Is it worth it???? ABSOLUTELY

You will love every second of the weight loss and never regret this decision.

Take the time to research... In the end? This is your decision to make...

This is your life and no one else's!

Come here daily for support

Hope this helps

Good luck!



Roux En Y - Jan. 4, 2017

HW 283 SW 260 CW 165


LukeB Girl17
on 3/29/17 1:32 pm

Thank you so much for your comments as well! I'm hearing so many comments and every word helps and makes my life easier. I'm glad I found this site and I look and read it every day. Support from others who are and have gone through this sure are hard to come by and in the end we all want to be healthy and happy with our decisions we have made in life. I am so ready for change and thank god for people like you and everyone here who supports one another. ð?'--

LukeB Girl17
on 3/29/17 1:33 pm

Lol suppose to be a heart. Not question mark... from my ipad

on 3/28/17 12:46 pm

Besides my husband and I have only told a couple of my very close friends that I am planning to have WLS. Those friends are supportive but I know some of my friends will not be. It took me a long to make this decision and I do not want to subject myself to unwanted comments.

Referred:Oct 2016 Orientation: Jan 9th/17 Nurse: Apr 4th/17 PreOp Class 1: Apr 2017 Nut/SW:Jun 13th/17 Psych:Jun 29th/17 PreOp Class 2: July 11th/17 Meet the Surgeon:July 12th/17 Endoscopy: July 21st/17 RNY Surgery: August 25th/17

Opti-15lbs M1-18.5lbs M2-12.5lbs M3-10lbs M4-10lbs M5-4lbs M6-15lbs, M7-5lbs M8-

on 3/28/17 3:17 pm

I'm early in this too. I've told my family and close friends. My sisters are worried for me which I understand. I just explain that I am so tired of not being able to be as active as I want. I'm sure I'll have regrets the odd time but mostly I want this so bad. And when you do feel regret, come here and read about these amazing people who have done this before us and don't regret it. They help me every day.

LukeB Girl17
on 4/1/17 10:24 am

Amazing!! True. Thank you for your comments

on 3/28/17 4:31 pm

People are strange...I love my mom and she's my #1 support - and she totally supported my I've lost 22lbs since surgery date...and now she says: I guess you didn't need surgery after all, you look great!

People - (LOVE THEM) they can all flip flop. Some are negative until they see results and then they cheer for you. Other are positive and now that you've done it have flipped...

My point here's always nice to have support, but in the end this is about you. I had so much pain in my feet and i realized my whole family was suffering because I was not active...sometime you've got to walk the journey alone (and it can and will be hard) but don't'll ALWAYS have support here. Though we are not "real family"...the people here have WALKED in your shoes. No one understand obesity. People think we have WLS because of the way we LOOK...only WE KNOW that's it's not about looks. It's about health.

I know it's hard, but make this decision for yourself...and we'll all cheer you on no matter what you decide!

RNY March 1, 2017 with Dr. Reed.

LukeB Girl17
on 3/29/17 2:48 pm

Much appreciated and it's true that you really don't know someone until you walk in their shoes. I love how we can help each other no matter where we are in our journey, thank you

on 3/29/17 10:44 am

I also told most people about my upcoming surgery (I'm not 9 weeks post op). The vast majority were incredibly supportive. My mom and my best friend were the most difficult. I found that it actually made me have fewer second thoughts when I had to keep defending my decision, although after a while, I did get a bit tired of the whole thing. The one very positive thing that happened is that it brought me a lot closer to my sister, with whom I had been quite estranged for some time. Now that I've had the surgery and everything is going well, there are no dissenters.

I would say it's very common to have second thoughts (I was 50/50 right up until the moment of my surgery) and that's okay. One thing I've learned over the last several years is that everybody who has an opinion has a bias, and if you can figure out what that bias is, it makes it easier to deal with their opinion if it's negative. My mother's bias was simply she didn't want me to be hurt. My best friend was jealous. But nobody has to live your life in your body except you, so at the end of the day, the only person who can make that decision is you. And we'll support you either way.

October 21, 2015 Orientation class March 7, 2016 Social work March 7, 2016 Nurse practitioner May 31, 2016 Nutrition class August 29, 2016 Nutritionist September 6, 2016 Psychology November 18, 2016 Surgeon (TWH) December 9, 2016 - Surgeon (Guelph) January 13, 2017 - pre-op appointment January 26, 2017 surgery RNY

LukeB Girl17
on 3/29/17 2:49 pm

Thank you so much! Means a lot and great to have support.

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