Finally meeting the surgeon, but...

on 3/25/17 11:20 am

After a 7.5 month wait I will finally be meeting with a surgeon at Humber River in two weeks. I'm beyond excited, but also worried because I haven't lost any weight in those 7.5 months.

I feel like a failure from the get-go. I fell into the food vacation trap through the fall and gained about 9 lbs. I managed to lose 5 lbs in January and have only lost one more since.

I'm currently taking a new medication for multiple sclerosis that is causing a lot of gastric upset as I adjust to it. I have to eat protein and fat for breakfast and dinner, which is when I take the pills. I also get sick if my stomach gets empty during the day, so I'm constantly munching.

I've started tracking my foods and trying to make good food choices but I'm worried the surgeon will think I'm a lost cause!

I'm particularly worried that my meds won't allow me to fit the eating schedule set by the nutritionist (3 meals, 2 snacks) and that they will think I'm making up excuses. Having an 'invisible' disease, I have issues around people thinking I'm making it all up or exaggerating my symptoms.

Did anyone else gain or stay the same weight from orientation to first meetings?

Lisa C.
on 3/26/17 7:14 am

Hi Caff.

I am meeting the surgeon at TWH on April 7th. I gained 10 pounds from the time I started this journey. I have managed to lose 4 pounds. I have no idea whether it will impact my surgeon appointment or not. Seems I can't get enough to eat ever! It isn't my choice of food it is my portion size and constant eating that has done me in.

I too am worried. But it does confirm in my mind that there is a problem and I need this surgery to help me fix it.

Referred April 2016, Orientation September 21, 2016; Psyc appointment November 23, 2016; Nurse Practitioner assessment November 30, 2016; Nutrition Class December 7, 2016; Social Worker assessment December 9, 2016; Nutrition 1:1 January 26, 2017 and Surgeon April 7, 2017; Pre-admission June 12, 2017; Surgery date June 20, 2017 with Dr. T. Jackson TWH.

Pre surgery loss 20 lbs, M1-17 lb, M2-16, M3-16.2, M4-7, M5-10.8, M6-+8, M7-4, M8-

Goal 1- 50 pound loss by Jan. 1, 2018 (245.6 lbs) reached August 10, 2017

Goal 2 - 100 pound loss by June 21, 2018 (one year post op) (195.6) reached TBD

on 3/26/17 6:34 pm - Canada

All of my assessment appointments have been through Windsor. My surgery will be in Toronto. My weight has stayed the same and they seem to be okay with that. They said they would love to see people lose weight, but maintenance is also acceptable.

I have heard they can postpone surgery based on weight gain, but I also am not entirely sure if that's a scare tactic?

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