What are you eating/doing today ( Saturday )

on 3/25/17 5:38 am

RNY 7 Years 11 months Post Op


Lots on the go again today. Hoping for a chance just to rest this afternoon. I went to sleep at 7 last night but still beat.


B - 1.5 CUPS OF It's Chili by George

1/3 cup of shredded habanero cheese

L - 6 oz shrimp ****tail

D - Butterball stuffed turkey breast, 4 oz

Splenda cranberries

S - oikos greek yogurt

9 triscuits with 2 slices of FF cheese melted Might not have these as the carbs are just too high. In my totals though

MYFITNESSPAL totals for the above menu are : Calories - 1,181, Carbs - 104 Grams, Protein - 110 Grams

All water and vits

Have a great one






on 3/25/17 6:37 am - Canada

Good morning :)

Woke up super sore again. Seems to happen each time after physio. We are working now on strengthening the muscles in my back and hip.

I also had my facial at the aesthetics college yesterday. My cousin called it with the complicated skin comment. Her instructor says I likely have rosacea. I've been putting that off for a while, so now I have made an appt to get a referral to have it checked out. I do feel lovely after the facial though :)

Breakfast - yogurt, banana

Snack - carrots and pb

Lunch - chicken, veg

Snack - pepperette, cheese

Dinner - restaurant

Snack - pudding (if hungry)

All water and vits.

on 3/25/17 8:52 am

Good morning/afternoon Everyone!

It's Saturday and while I was hoping for sunshine and warm weather, instead it's wet and gloomy out...

I've got to do a few chores around the house, do my meal prep for the week and then head out for my walk.

My eats for today

b - 1 scrambled egg with extra egg white, spinach, peppers and mushrooms

l - tuna salad

d - IP chicken with steamed veggies

s - smooth cottage cheese, turkey pepperette

Happy weekend everyone!

almost forgot...the scale continued to move...every day this week!!

I'm down 86lbs now

on 3/25/17 10:41 am

Birdie I want your menu. Good afternoon everyone. Meg like you, I spent the night tossing and turning with pain in my leg, hip and knee. I had an adjustment on Thursday which was fairly aggressive and he did say that he was worried that he did too much. He was working on my back, hip and knee. Now my knee is swollen and hot, so today I slept in and took a pain pill.

This afternoon I am going to play with a friend's new puppy. If a puppy can't make me feel better, I am beyond hope.

Tonight DH and I are staying home with a cozy fire and watching the idiot box.

The eats today at 2.5 years post-op are:

Eggs Benedict (no muffin) with thinly sliced flat iron steak, a layer of mushrooms, a layer of sauteed leeks, poached egg, all topped off with Cajun Hollandaise - take that Birdie, I just threw the craving ball in your court.

No lunch because I got up late and ate breakfast late

Jumbo shrimp on salad with avocado, sweet mini peppers, Bolthouse Cilantro/avocado dressing.

SKYR yogurt with all the fixin's

Have a great day everyone.

CENTURY CLUB MEMBER at 6 months post-op.

Referral to Guelph Feb/13, Sleep study and all bloodwork and ultrasound May/13, orientation July/13. Nurse, NUT,SW Sept/13, 2nd NUT, nurse and SW, 3rd round and cleared for surgery Dec/13. Pre-op Apr 7/14, Surgeon May 2/14, Opti Jul 3/14, surgery Jul 17/14.

on 3/25/17 12:31 pm

You had me with sautéed leeks and mushrooms!






on 3/25/17 11:03 am

Hi guys,

I am very new to this, I just started tracking my foods on My Fitness Pal a week ago, and I think now I'm ready to start doing it 'publicly'.

I'm currently two weeks away from my first meeting with the surgeon, and I am determined to stick to good habits from here until surgery (and beyond, of course).

I'm also on a new medication for multiple sclerosis that is causing me a lot of gastric problems while I adjust to it. It's taken with breakfast and dinner and must be taken with protein and some fat.

Today so far:

Breakfast - 4 oz. Activia strawberry yogurt, Weigh****chers Smart Ones egg, turkey bacon, cheese English muffin (210 Cal, 6g fat, 13g protein).

Lunch - Premiere protein shake w/ half a banana, blended

Planned for dinner - Baked chicken breast, steamed green beans, light babybel cheese (to get the pill down ok).

Snack - likely a red delicious apple, 7 Kashi Go Lean pita crisps with light hummus.


on 3/25/17 2:40 pm

Welcome aboard Caff. You've got a great attitude about getting prepared before surgery. I look forward to your posts.

CENTURY CLUB MEMBER at 6 months post-op.

Referral to Guelph Feb/13, Sleep study and all bloodwork and ultrasound May/13, orientation July/13. Nurse, NUT,SW Sept/13, 2nd NUT, nurse and SW, 3rd round and cleared for surgery Dec/13. Pre-op Apr 7/14, Surgeon May 2/14, Opti Jul 3/14, surgery Jul 17/14.

on 3/25/17 11:07 am

My best friend Laurie was in town for a day and a half and just left; it was so nice to get to spend time with her. We grew up together and I've known her since I was 4 years old (I'm 52 now). She lives in the States and brought me 3 cases of chocolate premiere protein, so now I have chocolate again; woohoo!

I'm 7 weeks post op RNY. I'm on the puree stage until Tuesday, when I can advance to soft solids; yay!

Breakfast: Chocolate premier protein shake

Lunch: Pureed roasted chicken, no skin or fat, with calorie wise Ranchers choice dressing and hot sauce (tastes like hot wings and is my favorite pureed meal).

Supper: Pureed home made beef vegetable stew.

Snack: (if needed to up protein) Cottage cheese.

Pre-Op Visit: Jan. 10, 2017, weight 304, surgeon: Dr. David Lindsay, St. Joe's, Toronto

1st Day of (3 weeks worth of) Optifast: Jan. 11, 2017

Surgery Date: Feb. 1st, 2017


on 3/25/17 2:42 pm

That was nice of your friend to bring you the shakes. The Costco near me has the Premier chocolate shakes, but not the caramel.

CENTURY CLUB MEMBER at 6 months post-op.

Referral to Guelph Feb/13, Sleep study and all bloodwork and ultrasound May/13, orientation July/13. Nurse, NUT,SW Sept/13, 2nd NUT, nurse and SW, 3rd round and cleared for surgery Dec/13. Pre-op Apr 7/14, Surgeon May 2/14, Opti Jul 3/14, surgery Jul 17/14.

on 3/25/17 2:52 pm

She's really sweet. I wish we had a Costco in town, but the closest one is a 4 hour drive from here.

I still have some Caramel, Vanilla, Banana, and Strawberry shakes here, but was all out of chocolate. Chocolate and Vanilla are my favorite flavors. I liked the other ones at first but now find them too sweet.

Pre-Op Visit: Jan. 10, 2017, weight 304, surgeon: Dr. David Lindsay, St. Joe's, Toronto

1st Day of (3 weeks worth of) Optifast: Jan. 11, 2017

Surgery Date: Feb. 1st, 2017


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