Anyone have surgery done at TOH?

LukeB Girl17
on 3/23/17 7:41 pm

Hello ~ Just wondering if anyone has had surgery in Ottawa and how long was the process? I was referred by my Doctor on Feb 28 and I've had first blood work done on March 17. I am on CPAP so I already have done that test and what other tests are needed?

From a "newbie"

Have a great day! ???

on 3/23/17 7:57 pm

Even though you are on a cpap they still may want a test done if the last test wasn't a recent one. I cant speak about Ottawa....but Toronto wanted a more recent cpap test.

Good luck!!

LukeB Girl17
on 3/26/17 5:59 am

Thank you! go Sens Go!

on 3/26/17 7:04 am


on 3/23/17 8:28 pm, edited 3/24/17 7:45 am

I was referred by my doctor in October and attended an orientation session the beginning of January. Initial bloodwork was completed by my family doctor. I haven't heard anything since January, I am still waiting for my first appointment with the nurse practitioner. We were told at the orientation it could be 10-16 month wait for surgery.

Referred:Oct 2016 Orientation: Jan 9th/17 Nurse: Apr 4th/17 PreOp Class 1: Apr 2017 Nut/SW:Jun 13th/17 Psych:Jun 29th/17 PreOp Class 2: July 11th/17 Meet the Surgeon:July 12th/17 Endoscopy: July 21st/17 RNY Surgery: August 25th/17

Opti-15lbs M1-18.5lbs M2-12.5lbs M3-10lbs M4-10lbs M5-4lbs M6-15lbs, M7-5lbs M8-

LukeB Girl17
on 3/26/17 5:59 am

Thank you!

Insert Fitness
on 3/24/17 3:30 am

I can't remember how long it was between referral and the first orientation. But from orientation to surgery, it was 8 months. At my first NP appointment, I was given a timeline document that roughly outlined all the stages, and it estimated surgery to be sept-oct, and my surgery was sept 8.

It might seem like a long time, but my suggestion is to use this time to get into the right mindset. Start practicing post op behaviours now. I did, and I really think it made a big difference in my transition post op.

Good luc****ep posting and asking questions and reading on here. There's so much info!

RNY Sept 8, 2016

M1:23, M2 :18, M3 :11, M4 :19, M5: 13, M6: 12, M7: 17, M8: 11, M9: 11.5, M10: 13, M11: 10, M12: 10 M13 : 7.6, M14: 6.9, M15: 6.7


LukeB Girl17
on 3/26/17 6:01 am

Thank you ? great to know!

on 3/25/17 7:51 pm

Started the process in April 2016 - people I was with in surgery 1 class had their surgery theee weeks ago. My surgery is Tuesday

The time goes quickly- but there's lots of hoops to go thru before you get there. Stop your caffeine and pop now. Start drinking your water and going to aquafit now or what ever you can do - show them that you are committed. It reallly helps.

Core 2013, Dec 2015 Met with LEAF WMC, Apr2016-re-referred to TOH-WMC , July 7 info session, Nov 28 NP , Dec 5 Pre-surg 1, Jan 14/17 - NP and Dietician, Feb 7-Pre surg 2 & met Dr, OPTIFAST MAR 7, Rny Mar 28

LukeB Girl17
on 3/27/17 3:27 pm


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