What are you eating/doing Tuesday?

on 3/21/17 4:11 am - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 04/11/16

Post Op RNY 11+ months

Good morning Ontarians! Supposed to be a nice mild day, I'll take that. I am sooo sore and tired this morning. I think I'll take a break from my routine and just take the dogs for a good walk this evening. Must remember that I am not a machine (yet)! Likely a quiet day at work which will give me time to get started on my next assignment.

Eats today:

B - 3 BLT boats with light mayo

S - Skyr yogurt with blueberries

L - 4 oz chicken with sautéed veg, 1 tbsp. of cheese

S - 4 slices deli turkey

D - light crusted herb haddock with some tomato slices, bit of coleslaw

Total Cal 951, carbs 58, protein 105

Have a great day!

Oh yeah, I adjusted my ticker to reflect my first weigh-in at the clinic when I started this process. It's a more true reflection of how far I've come!

Over 100 lbs lost! and 13 lbs below goal weight!

on 3/21/17 5:01 am

Good morning everyone. Ginny you have come a long way. You are doing so well.

Today I'm checking out another gym in the morning, and then this afternoon DH and I are going to Toronto so that he can see clients and I'm tagging along so that I can shop.

The eats today at 2.5 years post-op are:

Many decafs throughout the day

Scrambled eggs with fresh salsa and hot peppers

Kale/Broccoli slaw with shrimp and an Asian style dressing

Not sure for dinner. If we eat in Toronto it will be protein and some veg. If we wait til we get home, it will be steak fajita with guacamole, fresh salsa, peppers, and no wrap

SKYR yogurt with all the fixin's

Have a great day everyone.

CENTURY CLUB MEMBER at 6 months post-op.

Referral to Guelph Feb/13, Sleep study and all bloodwork and ultrasound May/13, orientation July/13. Nurse, NUT,SW Sept/13, 2nd NUT, nurse and SW, 3rd round and cleared for surgery Dec/13. Pre-op Apr 7/14, Surgeon May 2/14, Opti Jul 3/14, surgery Jul 17/14.

on 3/21/17 5:28 am - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 04/11/16

Thanks CC. So easy to get frustrated when the scale refuses to move. I get discouraged when I look at how "little" I've actually lost since surgery day. It helps to look at the big picture to see just how far I've come and to know that it really isn't all about the surgery itself.

Have fun in Toronto today, and as you would say, get yourself something Purdy!

on 3/21/17 6:39 am - Canada

Good morning :)

My stomach is in knots right now because puppy 2 is having his neuter surgery today. Poor little guy shook the whole way to the vet. He does not like going there.

In other news, our bathroom renovation is finally (2 months later) in the final stretch. The countertops are being installed this afternoon.

Breakfast - protein shake

Snack - carrots and pb

Lunch - steak stirfry

Snack - yogurt, pepperette

Dinner - beef or chicken leftovers

Snack - pudding

All water and vits.

on 3/21/17 6:49 am - Canada

Morning, last night took the dogs for trail walk, where I go there stairs so I had my daughter time me and I counted how many stairs 67 I did It in 1 min 27 secs.. hoping in the fall I can do it in min.. One year ago today I started opti!! Hard to believe it's been a year.. so for today I am doing opti kind of day just liquids protein drinks lots of water.. tonight I am going to get my hair done new style and colour.

have a good day

Referral received at hrrh Nov6/14, orientation March23/15, surgery April 11/16

on 3/21/17 7:05 am

Yay, finally an AM post this week!

Good morning everyone,

I slept in today...got up and started making my first attempt at these egg biters I keep seeing being posted and talked about, they are in the oven as I type, I made them with 1/2 dozen eggs mixed with egg white (from a carton), spinach, peppers, mushrooms and low fat cheese plus some salt and pepper...

Im meeting a friend for tea this morning , she has also shared an interest in coming walking and having me help her with some better eating choices.

It looks gorgeous out so I'm hoping to log in at least 7k today!

My menu

b - eggbites

l - tuna salad

d - IP chicken with steamed broccoli and cailiflower

s - SKYR yogurt, turkey pepperoni, purée blueberries

All my water and vitamins

Have a great day everyone!

on 3/21/17 12:36 pm

Hi all,

It's a very windy, cold day in the Sault today and I foolishly went for a walk outside because I've been trying to build up my strength again from the pneumonia/bed rest. So today was day 3 of walking outside and OMG, the wind kept pushing me back, lol. I was well dressed for the weather with my winter coat with hood, scarf, and mittens, but had to hold my hood in place as the wind kept pushing it off. I only walked for 20 minutes because it was so awful out there. Yesterday it was so nice and mild I went for two short walks; hopefully tomorrow will be nice again.

I ordered a faux fitbit from China and it works really well, so I"m happy with that. I've also been using my phone and the MapMyWalk app, which is really cool.

I"m feeling better but still not back to normal; my short walks really tire me out. My doctor said it may take a month or more to fully recover, but at least I can go for short walks again; I was getting stir crazy.

My eats:

Breakfast: Premier Protein, strawberries and cream flavor.

Lunch: Pureed stuffed red bell pepper (stuffed with ground pork and 1tbsp rice because my Mom wouldn't leave the rice out altogether, lol), plus 1/4 cup low carb tomato sauce to make it puree more easily. It was delish, and went down so easily.

Supper: Unsure, possibly chicken or pureed rib.

Snack: Skyr yogurt with cinnamon and splenda. Does anyone else keep calling it Skyrim yogurt, lol?

Pre-Op Visit: Jan. 10, 2017, weight 304, surgeon: Dr. David Lindsay, St. Joe's, Toronto

1st Day of (3 weeks worth of) Optifast: Jan. 11, 2017

Surgery Date: Feb. 1st, 2017


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