Nutrition Class - DONE

on 3/13/17 3:54 pm

Hi all!

I finished my nutrition class today and it was great. Did anyone else feel like WHAT THE HECK AM I GOING TO EAT?

I mean I know what I am going to eat but so many restrictions and changes.

Biggest for me:

  • Sparkling water
  • Coffee
  • Sugar

I don't eat meat or dairy either so going to need to be a serious planner ;-) Anyone else on here there today? TWH

on 3/14/17 11:31 am

Congratulations on the nutrition class!

Don't worry, post op you will be fine with the restrictions and the amounts of food that seem so tiny now will seem huge once you have your surgery.

I'm 6 weeks post op tomorrow, and have not been hungry once. I get some cravings, but they go away as soon as I eat a spoon or two of whatever it is I'm eating.

Meat or dairy is going to be tough; I couldn't have survived the past 7 weeks without dairy, as I was on 3 weeks of Optifast preop, which is diary, and then 1 entire month of full liquids after surgery (mostly cottage cheese, milk, yogurt, protein shakes, and milky oatmeal).

Hopefully some other people who don't eat meat or dairy can pop in to help you out. Maybe repost on the RNY general forum; there are more people there.

Good luck!

Pre-Op Visit: Jan. 10, 2017, weight 304, surgeon: Dr. David Lindsay, St. Joe's, Toronto

1st Day of (3 weeks worth of) Optifast: Jan. 11, 2017

Surgery Date: Feb. 1st, 2017


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