New here - Optifast is scaring me

on 3/11/17 4:44 am
RNY on 03/31/17

Lol Steph, your post shocked me at first and then made me laugh. "Saying it like it is" is always the best policy and you've done that.

Thank you everyone for the support. As they say, today is the first day of the rest of my life! I'm ready for change.

on 3/14/17 4:11 pm
RNY on 01/11/12

WOW ... things sure have changed since i did opti 5 years ago.. we were only allowed to have broth, water, and jello with our opti.. now i hear you can have vegees (altho i think only guelph would allow vegees)... and people are afraid they'll be hungry?? and don't forget you get 4 opti/day.... and if you fill up on fluids and the vegees.. it'll be ok... some don't even get all 4 opti in... (not sure why not... but they say they had opti leftover). it's only a short period of time.. and of course, some of us got headaches for the first day or two... but we are all different.. and i got neither headaches or the diarhea... it gets better... and it will.. just gotta think of what you're working towards.. a newer thinner, healthier you and it's so worth it.. good luck!! and take care of you.. keep your eye on the prize!!!!

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