Someone please tell me this will get better!

on 3/8/17 3:07 pm
RNY on 01/31/17

I am almost six weeks out - it seems to be going fine. I was moving along, just started moving to soft food, no issues but then I woke one morning with severe shoulder pain. Since I cannot take NSAIDS now I have had to take Tylenol 3s and even those barely touch the pain. I also now cannot eat anything - it seems to sit at the top of my throat - and I constantly feel like I have thread in the back of my mouth. I have called my doctor who said contact our Bariatric clinic - who said contact the surgeon - who said contact my doctor.......just really want someone to tell me this shall pass and things will get better!

on 3/8/17 3:47 pm

Is it gas?!? When i was in the hospital last week i was so uncomfortable with the gas pain and she said "you're lucky it didn't move to your shoulder, NOW THAT'S PAIN!"...

I'm wondering if this is what you have? Obviously you should call the surgeon's office but I do know even when I was in the hospital even oxycontin did NOTHING for gas pain.

I hope you get better soon...

RNY March 1, 2017 with Dr. Reed.

on 3/8/17 3:47 pm

*she is the nurse....

RNY March 1, 2017 with Dr. Reed.

Wayne H.
on 3/8/17 4:26 pm, edited 3/8/17 8:27 am
RNY on 02/08/17

I don't know about it being 6 weeks out but I was told as well that gas they inflate us with can move up into the shoulder area.

Hope you find relief soon Lucy

on 3/9/17 6:32 am
RNY on 11/27/14


Sometimes shoulder pain is referred pain, from something going on in your abdomen. I suggest you go to your local Hospital Emergency. I do not mean to scare you, but this referred pain is confusing, as it is far away from the site of the actual problem, we as lay people would not have guessed. If it is a possibility, let it be ruled out by medical staff. It could be nothing. I had pain, in my left shoulder, and needed a serious fix. All is okay. I am not in the medical field, just my experience.



on 3/14/17 4:07 pm
RNY on 01/11/12

life as a bariatric success does get better!! it truly does.. in the beginning i didn't think it would either... and yes i had regrets... BUT over time it does and it will get better and you will be so glad you made the RIGHT decision to have surgery! if you're having serious issues... as previously recommended, go to emergency where you had surgery... for whatever the pain!! our family doctors are not trained nor do they understand bariatric surgery! and don't wait!! and please... if you're taking tylenol 3's or anything with a lot of codeine.. made sure you're taking your poop "medication" cuz you certainly don't want to get bound up... restorolax was the only thing that "kept me moving"... good luck and take care of you!!

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