1 Month Post Op - Back to work day - Feeling great

Wayne H.
on 3/8/17 9:41 am
RNY on 02/08/17

Hi All,

Just a quick update on myself.

I am 1 Month post op today. My Pre Surgery weight was 354, today I am 334. Another 20 Lbs gone :-)

Starting weight was 382 when I got into the WLS program, heaviest weight was 404 when my Journey for change began.

I am now on Diet for life while still enjoying some broths, jellos and soft foods. I just chew my meat really well.

I continue to progress without complications. I've only ever had the one episode where I upchucked from overeating while rushing out the door. I won't list all the foods I'm eating but my new favorite is Smoked Salmon. I enjoy a pepperette here and there, but Salmon may replace that as a snack which is a healthier choice.

Last night We had honey/maple Ham for dinner. I had 1 slice, 2 pcs of Broccoli and a couple of the hard crunchy pieces of wedge Fries. I just had the small bits for taste..didn't really consume the larger wedge fries. No desire really.

I have my one month (technically 6 weeks) followup on Feb 22nd. I guess it's a dietary class or something designed for post op patients.

I feel great. Response from coworkers has been of Shock and Awe with the weight I've lost. All support my journey 110% from the President all the way down to the guy in Shipping. It's wonderful really.

I spent all morning just walking around and talking with everyone after being away for a month. I am counting that as my Morning exercise walk :-)

That's it for now. I enjoy reading everybody's posts and that goes for the New folks on this wonderful journey to all those well ahead of me. I am blessed to have these resources available for many reasons, but mainly to gauge my own progress with others.

WOW, I can do knee bends/squats again. Couldn't do that at Christmas time. Woo Hoo.


on 3/8/17 10:38 am

Smoked salmon is a great snack. You can do salmon rollups with light cream cheese and a little bit of green onion. Smoked salmon is also good with scrambled eggs when you are ready for eggs. Let go of the wedge fries Wayne, that was the old Wayne. The new Wayne is rocking it with good protein choices, doing squats and knee bends. Lots of NSV's are coming your way. Enjoy the ride, and don't waste one moment of your honeymoon phase.

CENTURY CLUB MEMBER at 6 months post-op.

Referral to Guelph Feb/13, Sleep study and all bloodwork and ultrasound May/13, orientation July/13. Nurse, NUT,SW Sept/13, 2nd NUT, nurse and SW, 3rd round and cleared for surgery Dec/13. Pre-op Apr 7/14, Surgeon May 2/14, Opti Jul 3/14, surgery Jul 17/14.

Wayne H.
on 3/8/17 4:16 pm
RNY on 02/08/17

Oh boy those salmon rolls sound great. Agreed on the wedge fries but like I said just the crispy bits. Lol

Eggs I have on occasion for sure. Love them.

Thanks for the support.

Linda M.
on 3/8/17 10:55 am - Orillia, Canada

You were reading my mind :)

Full steam ahead. I think this may be a challenging stage: when you are feeling well, going back to work, seeing co-workers, family and friends, and people start to notice and make comments (I'm sure all positive). I think I may need to talk less (if possible), smile and nod a lot.

Knee bends and squats - now you're bragging!

So happy for you,


Orientation: June 29th, 2016, Surgery March 22, 2017. Pre-surgery: 16 lbs, (Size 2x, 18/20), M1: 19 lbs. (Size 1x, 16/18), M2: 13 lbs. (Size 16, XL) M3: 10 lbs. (Size 14/16, large). M4: 6 lbs. (Size 14, large/medium). M5: 10 lbs. (Size 14, solid medium - lol), M6: 9 lbs. (Size 12, medium). M7: 8 lbs. (Size 10/12 and small/medium). M8: 7 lbs. (Size 10 and small/medium). M9: 2 lbs. (Size 8/10 - small/medium). Lost 100 lbs by Month 9! M10: 5 lbs. M11: 4 lbs. One year: 6 lbs. Total 111 lbs. lost!

Wayne H.
on 3/8/17 4:19 pm
RNY on 02/08/17

The reception at work was amazing. Nice.to know people care mind you I have been there 33 years.

I got a lot of "wows" for sure. Was invited to lunch tomorrow but declined. Not ready for that yet.

My knees are sore now from the bends and squats , lol but I had a lovely lunch time walk today.

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