Which multivitamins and where to buy

on 3/6/17 10:19 am - Ontario, Canada

Hi all!

I'm looking for a multivitamin that has no iron and is chewable. Could generic or briatric. Also looking for calcium citrate chewable. If it's something you use, where did you buy them and what cost?

I'm currently the Celebrate ones but can't stand the taste (mango). I found a few options online but they are all in the US with ridiculous shipping rate + exchange rate. The ProCare bariatric capsule on Amazon.ca has iron. If I take one with iron I get constipated so that's an easy fix for me ;-)

Any suggestions? Thanks!

RNY: Jan. 31, 2017, Ottawa Civic with Dr. Amy Neville

5' 2"; HW (@ start of Optifast): 267 & 45.5% BF; SW: 247

on 3/6/17 5:46 pm - Peterborough, Canada

Why no iron?


on 3/6/17 6:25 pm - Ontario, Canada

I get constipated with multis that have iron and right now my blood work has great levels iron so I can skip it.

RNY: Jan. 31, 2017, Ottawa Civic with Dr. Amy Neville

5' 2"; HW (@ start of Optifast): 267 & 45.5% BF; SW: 247

(deactivated member)
on 3/6/17 6:13 pm - Bumfuknowhere, Canada

I bought the Bariatric Advantage ones on amazon.ca and they have no iron. Not sure what centre you are through but I believe TWH and maybe even Humber have pharmacies in them that carry them. They are expensive but they have B12 in them so no need to take an extra one of those on top of the multi. I take my iron separately and like that they have none as I can take my multi and first dose of calcium together.

on 3/6/17 6:42 pm - Ontario, Canada

What are you taking for calcium?

RNY: Jan. 31, 2017, Ottawa Civic with Dr. Amy Neville

5' 2"; HW (@ start of Optifast): 267 & 45.5% BF; SW: 247

(deactivated member)
on 3/6/17 6:47 pm, edited 3/6/17 10:50 am - Bumfuknowhere, Canada

I take Webber Naturals Calcium Citrate. I am over 11 years post-op so don't use chewables any longer. I took Bariatric Advantage chewable calcium early out. I have seen someone post a generic chewable calcium that they get their pharmacy to order in for them. If I find the NPN, I will post it in case you want to order chewables locally. Apparently it's cheaper than BA but I have never bought them.

ETA: NPN 80003262

Jamp Calci-D3 500 mg 60 tablets for around $10. Have to bring that NPN to the pharmacy and ask them to order it in. I ordered my generic proferrin this way and they just ordered it in for me with the number that I was given by Jamp. I'd ask the pharmacy the cost before ordering in case they charge way more. The $10 pricing was from over a year ago so it likely went up some.

on 3/7/17 8:31 am - Ontario, Canada

Thank you so much!

RNY: Jan. 31, 2017, Ottawa Civic with Dr. Amy Neville

5' 2"; HW (@ start of Optifast): 267 & 45.5% BF; SW: 247

on 3/7/17 1:50 pm - Ontario, Canada

Just called the drug store and they are ordering some for me at $11.19 +tx, Yeah!

RNY: Jan. 31, 2017, Ottawa Civic with Dr. Amy Neville

5' 2"; HW (@ start of Optifast): 267 & 45.5% BF; SW: 247

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