I am mad!

on 3/3/17 7:37 pm - Canada
RNY on 06/02/17

your frustration is completely understandable. That truly is infuriating.

What hospital are you with? Its crazy all the problems you are having. I hope that you get it all worked out.

Surgery Jun.2/17 at TWH ----- HW 215 - SW 197.2 - GW 125 CW 124.6

Pre-Op=8.8lbs --- Optifast= 8.4 (was on it for 9 days due to cancellation)

M1 - 20.6... M2 -10.2... M3 -8.0... M4 -5.8... M5 -9.0... M6 -5.2... M7 -7.0... M8 -2.2... M9 -0.9... M10 -2.6... M11-0.6... M12-2.0


on 3/3/17 7:43 pm
RNY on 03/03/17

I am at TWH. I started with a BMI of 41 and am now at 38. I have been told they only consider the first weight because they are also aware that weight loss is fairly achievable but regain is the norm. But then this surgeon:-( For whatever it is worth she is a fellow, not one of the full surgeons. But it's enough to scare me due to all the inconsistent information!

I think if I do actually take this date we won't get any family time this summer let alone the big planned trip. There is no way my husband can manage to change his days at this point to something that I can also match up to be free at my work. Sounds like this surgeon already wants to bump me so that they can set up the OR latex free for first surgery so I could be August for all I know and the whole thing is a non issue.

If I knew then, what I know now I would have self paid in Mexico.

michelle W.
on 3/4/17 6:25 am
RNY on 06/12/17

I have my surgery booked right now for June 12th at TWH.. and it will be a year from when I had my orientation... just over 14 months from when I was referred... I can't believe either the wait time for surgery at TWH.. as we were told that they were caught up now for surgeries.. but still seems like they are booking a long way in advance.

I have been put on the cancellation list.. and hope that something will come of that.. but you never know..

Not sure why they gave you 3 weeks of opti.. I've been only given 2..(I'm at 257 lbs right now) but had a different surgeon see me at my appt... I believe his name was Dr Kelly.

Good luck.. I'm hoping that when you call them.. they will give you a quicker date.. :) The waiting now is the hardest since I've started..lol

Referral - March 23rd 2016 TWH Orientation - June 15 2016 Social - Sept 6 2016 Nurse - Oct 3 2016 Nut Class - Nov 14 2016 Psych - Dec 14 2016 Nut Jan 4 2017 Surgeon - Feb 24 2017 Pre-op May 23 2017 Opti start date May 29 2017 Surgery Date - June 12 2017 HW-285 CW - 154.2 Opti start weight - 261.5 SW - 256

Preop-23.5 Opti-5.5 M1-13.8 M2-14.2 M3-11 M4-9.5 M5-9.9 M6-6.8 M7-9.4 M8-5.9 M9-4.2 M10-4.6 M11-2.4

on 3/3/17 8:35 pm

I feel bad for you about the surgeon's office visit. I waited on the list for almost 3 years. I finally got into the info class Aug 17, Oct. 4 team approach with psychologist, nurse, dietitian and kinesthesiologiest. Attended 3 Cravings Change classes Nov - Dec, one more apt Jan 4 with nurse and dietitian, then attended a post op class on how to do the liquid pre surgery diet and had Surgeon apt that day. Was booked for 6 weeks later. I had to do the 3 weeks of the liquid diet also as I carry the weight around the middle. It was ok. I got creative with the stuff. Willing to share ideas if needed once you get going. It's a definite mind set but was great not having to worry about what to make for supper. Chocolate, Stawberry or Vanilla were the choices and was made easier knowing it was shrinking the liver to make surgery safer for me. The surgeon's office were ok with changing the dates for me to work around some work things, perhaps yours will too. Hope it all works out for you.

on 3/4/17 4:17 am

I can understand why you are mad. I actually had to cancel a trip to Texas 4 days before I was going. My wait time was not bad so I can't speak to that but I do know the attitude is you get what you get how bad do you want it. That far away with good weight loss already for you would really put you on hold. I hope a cancellation comes up for you sooner. It did for me.

referral: early June 2016; surgery Feb 21, 2017

on 3/4/17 10:54 am

Oh my gosh, I am mad for you!

I've been waiting seven months just to get a date for my first appointment (Humber) and I have a lot of paranoia that I've been forgotten.

I called a few times and have never had a call back except once, when they told me the waits are long but they didn't look up my actual file to confirm I'm on the list.

I hope everything works out with your surgery date, what a huge pain. But, you have a date! Something to work toward.

on 3/5/17 8:05 pm
RNY on 03/03/17

Thank you everyone for the support. While I am still so upset about this all, I can only throw my hands in the air at this point.

While I can hope for a cancellation, I certainly think it is highly unlikely. Part of me wants to fight to change this process. Ensure it is happening in a timely manner and where that is not possible at least fairly to everyone in the process.

(deactivated member)
on 3/6/17 5:36 am - Bumfuknowhere, Canada

The Bariatric program only gets so many slots per year at each centre. Their year starts in April so they are likely already at their quota and why they are booking so far into the summer already. Some years they are all used up by December and people wait four to five months to get a date once all rounds are done. TWH was sending patients to Guelph for surgery just recently so you could ask if they are still doing that if you are willing to travel there. As for Optifast, each surgeon and centre have their own set amount of time. I believe it was Ottawa that everyone got 3 weeks regardless of starting weight and perhaps this surgeon is like that too. You won't get disqualified for losing weight and getting your BMI below, they always go by starting BMI. As for your vacation, you have a choice to make, either postpone the surgery until the vacation is over or cancel the vacation. They may have a cancellation list but you would still have to pick a surgery date in case no cancellations do come up so you need to discuss with your spouse if they want to cancel vacation or just postpone your surgery until the vacation is over, what is a few more weeks to wait if the vacation is really important to your family.

on 3/6/17 8:51 am
RNY on 03/03/17

Tracey, I understamd backlog. But I am not waiting 4-5 months from rounds......I am waiting over 7. Further to that, most of the people with upcoming surgeries at TWH started this process AFTER me. Completing round 2 months after me and having surgeries months before me. It is not right. That is why I am mad. For clarity, I am not upset with anyone on this board, it's TWH and their unfair and inconsist process.

I also realize I need to make a decision about my family vacation. But to not only be pushed out farther than fair, to have it land smack in the middle of a special vacation that can't be replicated is a kick to the teeth when I am already down.

Further that, I am not even sure if it is firm. I could easily get a phone call saying that it's been bumped even further because I need a first time slot. Latex allergies are fairly common, this also should not have been overlooked when booking me.

(deactivated member)
on 3/6/17 3:51 pm - Bumfuknowhere, Canada

Unfortunately you are not the first and won't be the last. TWH uses more than one site and more than one surgeon and they all seem to have different time frames from consult to surgery. I know of two people that are friends and did the whole process together through TWH. Attended the same orientation and booked all their appointments together since they live 6 hours from Toronto. Both were assigned to different surgeons and sure enough their surgeries were months apart even though they did everything at the same time. One just drew the lucky straw that her surgeon did more surgeries than the other. It isn't always fair that is for sure. People in Northern Ontario were waiting almost a year from the time their last appointments were finished until surgery date. Seeing this is a province wide program, you'd think there would be some consistencies but they are far more inconsistencies than anything. They all have different post op guidelines even which is ridiculous but it is what it is. You have every right to be upset at the system as it doesn't always seem fair.

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