I am mad!

on 3/3/17 2:16 pm
RNY on 03/03/17

I am oozing negativity and anger right now, so you may just want to skip this.

I had my meet the surgeon apt today and it started off with them forgetting me totally. I was assured to keep waiting and that I would be called, however I was actually forgotten! I was finally called because a research person had me on her list, though they insisted to her I was a no show.

Anyways, after finally being called I got my surgery date of July 4th. I was referred a year ago!!! I was cleared for rounds December 1st! Why are so MANY people on this board so far ahead of me?!?! It is truly not fair!!! Their system sucks!

A few other tid bits that make me even angrier is that the surgeon insisted I take Slimtime for 3 weeks. Totally over riding the 2 weeks listed on the form. She insists everyone over 200 pounds must do Opti/Slimtime for 3 weeks. We ALL know this is BS. I weigh 217 pounds. She also said that my surgery will need to be changed because I have a latex allergy so need to be first surgery in the morning. I asked would it still be the same day and she said she didn't know.

July 4th is right smack in the middle of our booked holidays. So now I don't know what to do. Do we cancel with our employers? Our cabin deposit? And start booking summer camps? The coordinator was all like I put you on the cancellation list, have hope! Hope is nice but I have a life to organize and this is the worst week I could have gotten!!!

I am mad!!!

Wayne H.
on 3/3/17 3:53 pm
RNY on 02/08/17

I had the option of picking a date. Maybe if you call back you can change it to a more suitable date? I was on Opti for 3 weeks to shrink my liver. I lost 28lbs while on it.

Leslie W.
on 3/3/17 4:39 pm - Cobourg, Canada

It took me 18 months from referral to surgery.the amount of opti depends on weight as well as blood work. If t

He date they gave you doesn't work you can ask for another date. It maybe later but youcan ask. I was given several to choose from.

Referral: August 2010 Orientation TWH: May 25, 2011  NP: June 8/11, f/u sleep clinic June 7, abd u/s June 14, SW: June 28/11  Nutrition Class: July 5/11, Dietician Aug 09, Psychologist Aug 25 Surgeon Sept 16th Surgery Date: Oct 11/11 HW:287, Opti wt: 260 SW: 242
My Angel is Sheri TK   
on 3/3/17 5:42 pm - Canada
RNY on 07/05/17

I have to say I really don't blame you for being mad! How frustrating to be forgotten and passed over. I would feel the same. Especially when you're trying to plan your life around the timing. Booking holidays and cottages and stuff. You have to do those things so far in advance.

if I were you I may save booking the trips until you have some definitive dates. It stinks, but it's better than losing money.

I hope things get on track for you soon.

on 3/3/17 6:36 pm
RNY on 03/03/17

My problem is the inconsistency! I was told by the coordinator, dietician, nurse, trainer at orientation, if you are near 200 it would be 2 weeks. The fact that it was scratched out and changed is enough to be frustrated about. This is also after following a conversation where I asked if I could lose to much weight and be turned down and she admitted it's possible when I have also been told no, it's not.

i am READY to lose weight. I am GOOD at losing weight, I just can't keep it off. Now I have this chance to know if I put in the effort I have a means at the end to keep it off.....but she flat out said that I could be turned down as arthritis is not enough to qualify for the 35 BMI. I guess it feels like sabotage as 3 weeks of Shakes could rip this all away. I just want to get going!!! I am so tired of waiting. I HAVE waited. I have waited my turn. I have waited my fair share!!! 16 months is too much. Not when others are getting through so much quicker. To the above poster who waited 18.... you were the better part of a year before getting orientation. You also did not get things done fair and I am surprised you did not lose your ever loving mind. Especially at a time when everyone was getting through the entire process far quicker than today.

I don't even have a date!!! How long will it be until they can get a first slot time?!?! Everyone was gone for the day so I need to ask next week.

In a world where everyone wants extra, to be made to feel special, and feel entitled to more....all I ever want is FAIR yet ALWAYS draw the short stick. I am sooo tired of it.

on 3/3/17 6:43 pm
RNY on 03/03/17

There is a 4 day window at the end of March that also I could no have accepted due to work travel, but then to have the date pushed SOOO far and have it be the 4th of July, the only other time I ruin something. There are 4 families in on this trip!! I can't make this happen for my children another week. Like COME ON?!?! This is absolutely rediculous.

on 3/3/17 7:32 pm - Canada

Do you mind sharing where you are having your surgery?

I am going to Windsor for all of my appointments and then have to choose a site for surgery but because I have a lap band it kind of complicates things as I want my surgery done in ONE surgery.

on 3/3/17 7:31 pm - Canada
RNY on 07/05/17

Four other families? Ahh that really does change things. That seems really unfair.

I've also been curious about the weight loss as well. Currently my BMI is 41, but I was wondering if I lose weight during the Optifast if it could jeopardize the surgery.

I am at a loss as to how paperwork and information that sensitive gets missed or overlooked.

Hang in there and vent anytime you need to. I'm at the beginning of the process but I understand your impatience.

Insert Fitness
on 3/4/17 4:37 am

Losing weight on opti won't disqualify you from surgery, so no worries there! Once the surgeon signs off at your consent meeting, you are locked in, so to speak!

RNY Sept 8, 2016

M1:23, M2 :18, M3 :11, M4 :19, M5: 13, M6: 12, M7: 17, M8: 11, M9: 11.5, M10: 13, M11: 10, M12: 10 M13 : 7.6, M14: 6.9, M15: 6.7


Wayne H.
on 3/4/17 6:26 am
RNY on 02/08/17

I have to agree. You do not start Optifast until you are in the program and surgery is already booked.

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