
on 2/24/17 4:13 pm

Hi Folks,

Just wondering was anyone else prescribed prevacid for post surgery? The surgeon prescribed to me...and the ones he prescribed were not covered under my insurance!  So I have to pay some $200 out of pocket!  Wowza!

RNY March 1, 2017 with Dr. Reed.

on 2/24/17 4:18 pm - Canada
RNY on 07/10/12

I take Prevacid.  My employer just changed which company supply our benefits and the quick dissolve tablets are no longer covered. They will cover the regular tablets that are swallowed are.  


on 2/24/17 4:35 pm

were you prescribed this because of your surgery?

RNY March 1, 2017 with Dr. Reed.

on 2/25/17 2:17 am - Canada
RNY on 07/10/12

I had been on meds for heartburn for 20 yrs prior to surgery. I was given Prevacid after surgery and I'm coming up on 5 years post op and still on it. 


on 2/24/17 4:40 pm

I was prescribed lansoprazole. They were covered by my insurance. The pills are huge though and have to be taken whole. 

referral: early June 2016; surgery Feb 21, 2017

on 2/24/17 4:53 pm

How is your pouch tolerating that?  Is it OK?

RNY March 1, 2017 with Dr. Reed.

on 2/24/17 7:22 pm - Halton Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/25/17

I was prescribed Prevacid for 6 months.  Luckily my benefits covered it.  I can only get 3 months at a time, so I'll have to go back to get the second half of the prescription. 

HW: 335 SW: 310 CW: 287

on 2/24/17 7:46 pm

I take prevacid. Almost done now ad i only got a 3 month supply. It was covered

TWH: Referral May 2015 --> Orientation November 2015 --> Surgeon at TWH Nov 2016 --> Transferred to Guelph --> Surgeon Appt Dec 1 2016 --> Opti Start Dec 8 2016 --> Surgery Dec 22 2016 HW: 331 SW:302 GW: 170

on 2/25/17 7:02 am

I was prescribed Prevacid for 6 months after surgery. I had to pay for the too. I didn't fill the whole prescription at once. I took it regularly for the first couple of months and then I went to every other day for a couple of months and then I stopped it. I still have some left and one more that I didn't fill. 

To be clear before people freak out on me, I'm not telling you not to take it as prescribed by your doctor, I'm just letting you know what I did and it worked for me. 

on 2/25/17 12:38 pm

haha yes i understand.  i filed 2 months and will take it from there... it's 138$ for 1 months supply...

RNY March 1, 2017 with Dr. Reed.

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