How do you sleep post op
I haven't had my surgery yet but I remember sleeping upright in a chair for 3 nights after my gall bladder operation. I now own one of these and I love it.

Referral to Ottawa Civic Hospital in March 2016, surgery on Dec 23 with Dr Neville,
Loss so far M1=21, M2=10, M3=8, M4=8, M5=7, M6=6, M7=5
It took just sigh of three weeks for me to be able to sleep on my side - but only one side. When I rolled over it would pull a lot (the stitched area inside as it was healing). I'm now 2 days shy of 4 weeks post op and I'm able to sleep on either side AND my stomach. It takes time and sleeping on your back is terrible but take it day by day and know it'll pass :D.
I slept on a recliner for about 3 weeks because it was easier to get up without bending my stomach.