It's real now... date in hand!
on 11/4/16 1:14 pm
What a journey! got banded in Mex in January 2009. It worked for a couple years but there weren't many places in ONT to get fills. Eventually the band slipped and the daily heartburn and pain was too much. Was lucky to have it removed at Humber River hospital in September 2012. Gained a boatload of weight over the subsequent 4 years. Visited Dr. Wharton's clinic in August 2015 and Dr. W himself said, do you really think, after 25 years of diets and regaining weight that what you need is another diet? I agreed with him that WL surgery was a reasonable option.
Was referred to TWH in Dec. 2015- here I am a year and many appointments later with finally a date for sugery- January 5 2017! Oddly, they mailed me a letter to tell me my date for surgery and pre-admission. I can't find any better way to describe this feeling other than... I'M READY.
I'm ready for the challenges, I welcome them as a path to my success.
I'm ready to stop feeling ashamed and unfamiliar when I look in the mirrow.
I'm ready to stop wearing variations of black shirts, pants, jackets, shoes, hats...
I'm ready to give my kids the mom they deserve and the life I want
I'm ready to take 'me' seriously and put 'me' at the top of the care list
I'm ready to make the most of this opportunity that has been given to me.
I'm grateful to this forum for your stories, your pictures, your tears and your joys. Thanks for sharing, I'm looking forward to sharing a lot more!

Referral: August 2015; TWH Orientation: December 14, 2015; Social Worker: Jan 27 2016; Nurse Practitioner: March 14; Nutrition Class: April 26; Psych Evaluation: June 7; Nutritionist: July 21; Meet the Surgeon: Oct.21 2016; Pre-Op: December 16, 2016; Scheduled Surgery: January 5 2017! HW 248; SW 237 ... GW 138. Feeling grateful and fortunate to have this opportunity.
on 11/4/16 3:45 pm
Thanks so much! I'll be sure to keep connect!
This is such a valuable forum. ?

Referral: August 2015; TWH Orientation: December 14, 2015; Social Worker: Jan 27 2016; Nurse Practitioner: March 14; Nutrition Class: April 26; Psych Evaluation: June 7; Nutritionist: July 21; Meet the Surgeon: Oct.21 2016; Pre-Op: December 16, 2016; Scheduled Surgery: January 5 2017! HW 248; SW 237 ... GW 138. Feeling grateful and fortunate to have this opportunity.