It's Here
Hi Alex!
Unfortunately, I think I am part of a small percentage of people who experience a burning nerve pain beneath the largest incision that lasts anywhere from a month to three months after the surgery. I was actually reading the forums today for just this reason. Since my surgery all my incisions have healed well, no fever or redness. However, beneath the largest incision I have had burning pain which takes my breath away when I bend or move in certain ways. I'm fine when I sit or lay down. Walking for more than a few minutes can also aggravate the pain. I'm stuck still sleeping on my back (sleeping on my side is not an option due to the pain) and my back gets sore enough after four or five hours of sleeping to wake me up, I end up getting up for half an our or an hour to give my back a break then I try to go back to sleep again for another hour or two.
I was having a small melt down this morning because I think some people get cleared at four weeks to work out again and I don't see that happening. Even something as simple as refilling the dogs water bowl is beyond me because I can't bend or crouch without a sharp burning pain. I'm seeing my doctor on Tuesday for my 4 week follow up and will bring it up but from what I've read there is nothing that can be done about it except for me to heal with time.
I don't regret the surgery in any way. I am down 33 pounds since I started this process and I feel super fortunate that I had this opportunity to change my life. My clothes are really loose, I'm off meds for high blood pressure, cholesterol and I'm only on one for diabetes where I was on a couple including insulin before surgery. I was just chatting with my husband about my sleep and when I asked him about it he told me that I no longer snore either. Ughh, embarrassing. lol
My diet has been great so far I just follow the foods from the Bariatric Diet Planner the hospital gave me. My doctor also gave me some great advice. He said to focus on goals like tracking my food in myfitnesspal and hitting my protein goals and not so much on the scale. I take a little time every morning to plan what I am going to have for the day. Fortunately, I have found tuna, eggs and mashed beans to be easy on my tummy. The chew, chew, chew method is awesome!!
I know you'll do great and I hope we meet up as well.
Good luck on Monday!! Cheers! :D
HW - 307 (Dec 2002), SW - 249 (Aug 2016), RNY - TOH - Referral February 7, 2016, Orientation April 15, 2016, NUT April 29, Dr Exam May 20, NUT Education Class May 25, NUT June 6, NUT July 6, Meet Surgeon July 27, Surgery Dr Mamazza September 21, 2016.
I am so sorry to hear that. I hope your doctor will be able to help manage/cure the issue and pain.
i hurt my back on Friday morning went to work anyway at stuff to finish some stuff. It's sucks to be in pain, I can empathize with you. I will give you my phone number if you want to text ... please do 613-297-2275
i am 5 minutes away from the civic, I leave in westboro
will you be attending group sessions? If so, would live to say hi.
you can reach out for chat or coffee
hooe you fell better soon, courage :)

The surgery went well. There is barely pain and the pain is at the liver level and is cause by gaz. It's like having a cramp.
the nurses asked me all day to rate the level of pain from 1-10 and the most I got was a 4.
lady next to me in the room also had Dr. Yelle and she also experience the same thing. Also, no drains, the incisions are small and painless.
We both have no issues whit having the liquid and get up for a walk every hour i went for a 5 minutes walk (walked very slowly) holding my husband' s hand to a 15 minutes walk on my own.
please do not be afraid, it's a breeze
if you have any questions you can text me st 613-297-2275
we might see one another at support group meetings
cheers and hugs

So glad it went well and your feeling good.
Thanks for the words of encouragement and support
So far I feel mostly excited, just a little nervous but that may change as the week progresses.
Take care and keep us posted.