3 days and counting

on 10/2/16 6:36 am - Mississauga, Canada

Thank you

RNY - TWH - Orientation April 2015,  SW July 2015, NP Sept 2015, NUT class November 2015, NUT & Psych January 2016, 2nd NUT April 2016, Meet the Surgeon July 2016, Surgery October 4th 2016


on 10/2/16 4:29 am
RNY on 10/17/16

I can only imagine how you feel. You are doing everything right. 53 is still young, i'm 55 operation is on October 17. 

Take deep breath, visualize yourself a skinny milinky, how much better you will feel :) what a wonderful journey you are about to embark.


We are sending you positive vibes


on 10/2/16 6:36 am - Mississauga, Canada

:-) thank you so much for the support and also sending you positive vibes on the 17th which is just going to fly by.

RNY - TWH - Orientation April 2015,  SW July 2015, NP Sept 2015, NUT class November 2015, NUT & Psych January 2016, 2nd NUT April 2016, Meet the Surgeon July 2016, Surgery October 4th 2016


on 10/2/16 2:24 pm

You'll do great! Please believe me when I say don't worry. The pain is manageable. I personally slept on my couch when I came home but it was easier than getting up out of my bed. Unless you have one of those cool.hospital beds that help you up with the push of a button. They give you a prescription for good pain meds. I'm so excited for you, see you on the losers bench soon!

on 10/2/16 3:06 pm - Mississauga, Canada

Thank you so much for the support and yes I am excited too just a little nervous of the unknown. :-)

RNY - TWH - Orientation April 2015,  SW July 2015, NP Sept 2015, NUT class November 2015, NUT & Psych January 2016, 2nd NUT April 2016, Meet the Surgeon July 2016, Surgery October 4th 2016


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