What are you eating/doing today? (Monday)
Good morning everyone, how are you doing? Not crazy about how early it is getting dark lately, finding myself more tired. Stepped on the scale today and I am at 140lbs, so I have lost the 6 pound gain plus an additional pound. I had a feeling as I could tell from the way my clothes were fitting. Amazing how much I feel a few additional pounds now. So I was seeing a special guy for about a month, then exclusively for 2 weeks, and broke up with him Saturday morning after he told me he was not feeling the same as me. I was already half in love with him, slept with him, so it has been a very painful few days for me. I have not been hungry at all and have been having to force myself to eat enough so I don't feel sick, I have not felt that way in a while. Saturday was mostly crying although I kept busy while doing so. I have been keeping busy with self care stuff like hot yin yoga, hot baths, yard work, housework, board games. It is a little embarrassing because I told everyone he was my boyfriend and was so happy about it, then this happens. Makes me feel like I should have just said nothing, that saying it out loud jinxed it somehow. Good news is my family and friends have been super supportive and I have a very nice happy single life to return to, I will be ok. I was wondering what do you guys do to cope with extremely painful emotions?
2 years 1 month post op
b - protein decaf coffee with homemade protein low carb "milk" (2 tsp whipping cream, 3 tbsp. plain whey protein powder, toasted marshmallow Dasani syrup)
s - plain greek yogurt 5%, trying it for the first time, they did not have the 0 or 2%, sf pineapple coconut flavour added
l - lentils and onions or zuchinni lasagna
s - cucumber with sliced deli black forest ham
d - carrot with salsa, guacamole, and plain greek yogurt
s - simply protein bar after/before volleyball
all water and vitamins. have a great day everyone!

Highest: 320, Surgery: 255 (Aug/14), Lowest: 132, Current: 167, Goal: 155
Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards. - Soren Kierkegaard
Good morning :)
Zizzler, I'm sorry to hear about your weekend. Breaking up is always tough, and for me it didn't matter which side of the break up I was on. The hardest thing now is not eating my stress. I did talk to my counselor about a particularly difficult breakup, and she said that person had an important effect on my life, so it makes sense to be mourning them, almost like when someone we love passes away. We don't forget them or stop loving them because they are gone. I felt like my feelings were validated then.
Today is my day off from teaching so I will be running a ton of errands. I'm supposed to meet up with someone at some point to sell some furniture, and then I will run around town like a crazy person to get everything else done :)
I should probably try to pick up a few groceries, but I will check the flyers first. We have been working to eliminate basically all the refined carbs from our house. My bf has been reducing his bread/pasta/rice consumption, which works for me. It has simplified our shopping a lot as well.
Breakfast - protein soft serve
Snack - egg, oatmeal
Lunch - leftover meat sauce
Snack - carrots and pb
Dinner - chicken and veg
Snack - pudding
All water and vits.
Zizzler I'm sending you big hugs. Coping with emotions now is tough. Before I also would eat my feelings. Now I force myself to feel when someone hurts me, and that lets me know that I will survive the hurt, it won't be easy, but I will survive (cue Gloria Gaynor). What you did is exactly right. I think people underestimate the power of a really good cry, I mean a good ugly cry. You nailed it with the rest of what happened when you said you were embarrassed because you told people he was your boyfriend. You put yourself out there in the dating world, that is brave, very brave, and you should be proud of yourself. I know I am proud of you.
Today I'm going to run some errands, do paperwork, and household chores. I am so sore from working in the garden all weekend, so I was actually happy when I saw it was raining. The rain gives this old body a chance to rest.
This week I go to see an osteopath for the first time. I am hoping he will help me get a few more years out of this old body, lol.
CENTURY CLUB MEMBER at 6 months post-op.
Referral to Guelph Feb/13, Sleep study and all bloodwork and ultrasound May/13, orientation July/13. Nurse, NUT,SW Sept/13, 2nd NUT, nurse and SW, 3rd round and cleared for surgery Dec/13. Pre-op Apr 7/14, Surgeon May 2/14, Opti Jul 3/14, surgery Jul 17/14.
Hi Gang, just popping in to say hello! Will be travelling today to attend a conference and will be away all week. Probably won't post because it's conference food all week so I can't really plan for that other than to say I will be choosing all protein!
Hope everybody had a good week while I was on vacation! Mine was very relaxing and while the scale didn't go down it didn't go up either. Today marks 6 months for me, well, 24 weeks....and I went for my blood work this morning. Will see how that looks in the next day or two.
Have a good Monday, even though its a rainy grey day.
Zizzler I am sorry for what you are going through. No words of wisdom just a wish for you to take care of yourself. Busy weekend. Went to the home show yesterday. Very disappointed. Small not much I wanted to see. May have been because I was just too tired to be there. Went home and had a nap. I seldom nap but needed on yesterday.
I have given up trying to find table cloths. I will probably buy some fabric today to make them. Just a couple of seams. work then home.
Still trying to get my back to stop aching so trying not to irritate it at the moment. Anyone have a magic cure for sciatica I am all ears.
b greek yogurt, sunflower seeds
l chili, baby bel
s yogurt
d chicken, salad with full fat dressing.
s tea
Sorry about the break up Z. Sending a big hug.
I had a crappy weekend in the food department. Saturday and Sunday i really didn't give a toot. Now that is is Monday and I'm bloated, i feel bad, sad blah blah blah. Oh well, can't change the past, onward and upwards. Making better choices today.
2yrs 11 months
B - Coffee 5%, crustless quiche
S - 1oz mozza
L - 3oz chicken thigh, salad
S - 1/4 cup sweet chilli tuna
D - 3oz roast beef, 1/3 cup zucchini
S - 1/4 cup avocado pudding
Have a great day all, Nia.
Hey Zizzler,
Sorry to hear that! but self-love...taking care of yourself...that's definitely the way to go! And remember, it does take courage to put yourself out there. There's no reward without some risk...so good on you for that!
Take care and if you want to go for coffee...let me know!