Orientation on Monday the 26th
Don't be nervous. There's nothing to be nervous about. It really is just a lot of information. First half the nurse will go over things, than the other half the dietitian. After the class if you want to continue after hearing all that, than you get an appointment with the Nurse Practioners...or at least that's how it is in Windsor. Some centers seem to have appointments in different stages.
You will be fine. Don't worry! Good luck!
on 9/23/16 10:01 pm - Brampton , Canada
Nothing at all to be nervous about...lots of information...but it's also handed out in a PowerPoint so you have something to look back at later.
when I had my orientation in June at TWH, the entire presentation was led by one of the nurses.
at the end of it if you decide to pursue wls, you should receive your next three appointments...(not necessarily though...our group didn't receive nutrition class appointments because they hadn't been scheduled that far ahead yet.)
I too had the whole thing led by a nurse practitioner and I received 3 appoinments at the end of it. My 3 appts were Social Worker, NP, and nutrition class. Not everyone received the same 3 appontments. Nothing at all to be nervous about.

RNY Jan 12, 2017 Lost 137 lbs but regained 60.
77 lbs lost and counting!
Losing the regain! I got this!
Well.. I went and it was actually really great!
my husband was with me and he was surprised how accurate the information I had been giving him from my research was, and that there were no surprises. I guess I'm well informed:)
i only received 1 appt - the psych. So now I figure some of my answers in the intake forms made them think "we'd better make sure she's not a total psychological nightmare before we wasted the nurse/sw/ nutritionist's time :/
thanks for the support you guys !