What are you eating/doing today ( Monday)
Good morning :)
Off to work today. We are doing phone interviews for a new manager. This is one of my least favourite things of the job.
I haven't been fishing in forever!! I used to go all the time when I was a kid, but I never get my license at the cottage any more.
Breakfast - yogurt, banana, fibre one
Snack - carrots, pb
Lunch - steak, veg
Snack - cheese, crackers
Dinner - steak stirfry
Snack - protein pop
All water and vits.
Morning all. Have fun Barb and the boring stuff, try to have fun too. Back to the grind of things today. That means errands, cleaning and gym. I ended up not going yesterday as i felt tired and my knee is feeling a little weird. it feels like it needs to pop but i can't pop it, then it feels numb and tight, oy. We'll see how it goes before visiting the kind docs.
2 1/2 yrs post op
B - Coffee 5%, 1/2 cup hot cereal, 1 tbsp pb
L - 3oz chicken breast, 1/3 cup cucumber salad with blue cheese crumbles
S - Protein shake
D - 2oz smoked pork ribs, 1/3 cup sautéed shredded cabbage
S - 2oz chicken breast, 1 baked cottage cheese cake
Calories: 858, carbs 40, fats 41, protein 87
Have a great day all, Nia.