Help! Dating after surgery weirdness

on 6/7/16 6:57 pm

I have been married for 37 years and it wasn't until I was about 10 years post op that my hubby expressed his feelings about obesity. White dove is spot on. Toughen up and have some fun with this new life we have been given. If it was ME I would tell him everything. If he freaks, NEXT 

on 6/7/16 9:51 pm

Trust your gut! God gave us women very good intuition. Doesn't sound like a good idea to me. 

on 6/8/16 4:17 am
VSG on 04/04/16

Cut him loose! You've only been dating for 2 weeks, after being single for eight years you deserve somebody that has more depth and compassion.  You worked hard to get where you are so don't settle now.....there will be somebody else that not only gets your juices flowing but that has a soul too.

Best of luck from one single lady to another!

It's not about losing's about gaining confidence too.  It's not about shrinking in size, it's about growing in strength

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