New here
Hi Everyone,
I have been on this site reading and getting answers to some of my questions. My doctor sent in my referral at the beginning of the month. I know if will be a while before receiving a call. I have started as of January 1, 2016 watching what I eat. I lost a total of 13 pounds in 1.5 months. I am hoping this will help.
Is there anything I could do in order to get an appointment quicker? Please any tips.
You all are doing a wonderful job. So proud of you all. You all are an inspiration.
Hi Patm,
Thank you for the warm welcome. I do not smoke or drink pop. I gave up pop last year for lent and never went back. I do not drink coffee just tea and the odd latte. I still have no idea what kind of eater I truly am as I believe it is truly stress induced more than anything. Since January I have made a great choice of eating health and have lost 13 pounds on my own. I will start introducing exercise once the weather starts getting a little nicer.
Your time will come sooner than you will know. Some people have had alot of luck letting the Bariatric Clinic know they are willing/able to take cancelled appointments, but you need to get past the orientation phase first.
Good plan to stop pop, smoking, even gum chewing. Adopt good habits like chewing every bite 20 times, eating the protien on your plate first, sitting at a table while eating. If you haven't done so already, start using an app like MFP (my fitness pal), to begin those good habits. Drink 8 glasses of water/day, maybe cut out alcohol. Don't get overwhelmed with making too many changes at once. Maybe introduce one a week or two - so it becomes more of a habit & gives your brain time to jump on board the WLS train.
I'm sure more people will have some good suggestions for you. Enjoy your journey, you are in for quite the ride

HI Roxytrim,
Thanks for all the tips. I do not drink pop, smoke or even chew gun. Chewing 20 times I am going to have to get use to. lol We eat at the table every single time it is our number 1 rule we all eat together as a family and we only eat at the table. Thanks for the suggestion on the app. I will totally look into that one. I drink 3 litres of water a day already so water is not an issue as when we are trained to drink more our body needs the water.
Thank you for all your insight and well wishes.