Optifast questions
Ontario is the only province that pushes Optifast down the throats of their patients. I used Premier Protein from Costco instead. It tasted better, cost less money, and comes in a ready made drink. I know many people on here do not agree with me here, but I told my surgeon I was buying my Opti from a friend. I lost like 20ish lbs on the shake diet and my surgery went without a hitch. Calorie for calorie, Premier protein was a better product - in my humble opinion.
Referral - Feb 25th, 2014. Info Session - April 7th
Surgeon#1 - May 15th Dr. Glazer - July 23rd, Dietitian/Social Worker/RN - Aug 1st, Surgeon #2 - Sept 10th, Surgery - Dec 16th, 2014!
Totally agree. Further, I really do wish we could make our own. I hate having all the chemicals and sweeteners.
There are so many things that are different between centers. The most frustrating thing for me is the narrow mindedness and cookie cutter answers.
For instance, I was told no anti-inflammatories after surgery. Well ginger, spinach, green peppers, and garlic are all anti-inflammatory. No one tells you that. Green peppers are also on the list of "allowed" vegetables on Opti (at my centre). So they tell you yes you can have it and then no you can't have it. I have ginger in my tea. Ginger is great for nausea. I planned to have it as tea to fight the nausea after surgery. I was told herbs and spices are ok. Then told no anti-inflammatory. On the topic of those vegetables. I really do believe the list is ridiculous. I can have lettuce and cabbage but not boc choi? The answer I got when I asked about onions was "is it on the list? Then No." With quite the attitude. But then I was told by the same person, I can have herbs and spices. Well I use onions to flavor broth as do just about every single manufacturer of broths you buy. Carrots and celery are also used for flavor. Broth is allowed but carrots and onions are not allowed. Good luck finding that broth. It goes on and on.
I realize that they cannot be expected to allow for everything we might want. They should however be able to tell us the criteria for excluding or including things so that we can make an educated decision. For instance, instead of saying no anti-inflammatory maybe they could say specifically no Nsaids or no salicylates . By the way, the Tylenol 3 with codeine they prescribe for after the surgery, You guessed it. It is an anti-inflammatory (though a very mild one).

Initial referral June 2014. Orientation Dec 2014. Initial Weight 380 lb. Meet the surgeon Feb 18 2016 Start opti Feb 19 2016 Opti weight 370 lb Surgery March 2 2016
I actually asked them at one point in time why they say Opti is better over Premier Protein especially when you compared the two the sodium on the Opti was higher than your daily amount of sodium is supposed to be. The answer I got was they were not sure and that is where it ended. I agree that the premier protein tastes better. :-) Too bad that they push the Opti so much. I am sure there is some reason and likely something to do with money.
on 2/20/16 12:19 pm
Thanks for the reply B-Trix123. I'm just worried about my son who lives with me and is my caregiver at this time. He has to eat at the same time I'll be needing to take the Optifast and I can't have him going hungry. I think I will have to ask my ODSP worker what can be done for us when the time comes.
Hi there,
Does anyone know if we're allowed to have protein shakes the same time we're on optifast, or just clear liquids?